Chapter 523 Yun Qian Completely Wins
If the hand that Yun Qian showed was considered a trivial skill, then there would be no real skill in this world.

The face of the Snow Mountain Saintess is pale. She has been studying this set of things with her for a long time, and she knows the mysteries of it, but no matter how she knows those mysteries, it is impossible for her to draw out what she wants like Yun Qian. sign.

And she also knew that Yunqian drew out the queen's lottery in this way, and the queen would never believe what she said to the queen just now, and once this matter spread, her name as the saint of the snow mountain would be discredited. smashed to pieces.

The most terrifying thing is that the tradition that Xiliang Kingdom has followed for hundreds of years, the gods in everyone's minds will collapse!

Yun Qian ignored the Saintess of the Snow Mountain, but turned her head to look at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "My lord, when you put your hand on it just now, what wish did you make in your heart?"

Chu Yuanzhou blinked and said, "God please let me and Qianqian stay together forever."

Yunqian grinned, this round, Yunqian won completely.

Although different requests can be the same lottery, what happens under the nose is so mysterious and mysterious.

The queen's eyes were filled with gloom, she looked at the snow-capped saint coldly and said, "Saint, you really have a hand, today this palace can be regarded as an eye-opener!"

The Snow Mountain Saintess looked extremely embarrassed, she looked at Yun Qian in disbelief and said, "How did you do it?"

She was so surprised that she had asked Yun Qian this sentence three times.

Yunqian replied: "I don't have the skills of a saint, and I can't read the meaning of heaven. When I just turned it, I just wanted to transfer to that lottery. And the silver plate of the saint, although there are thousands of mysteries, but After all, it’s just a trick to deceive people.”

"Nonsense!" Susu said angrily, "The meaning of the saint is the meaning of heaven, how could it be a trick to deceive people!"

She has been with the Saintess of the Snow Mountain for many years, and knows the abilities of the Saintess of the Snow Mountain, but she has never made a mistake in asking for something. This kind of thing today is really unprecedented, and it really makes her unbelievable!
Yunqian said lightly: "Although I can't understand the ancient Xiliang Kingdom's characters, I know that these lottery signs are arranged according to the innate gossip. If you don't believe me, I can draw the lottery you want at will."

Although Yun Qian's words were very light, there was a hint of arrogance in her eyes. Obviously, she didn't pay attention to the Snow Mountain Saintess in her eyes, and her implication was also very obvious. She could draw whatever she wanted at will. Draw a lot, then the former Snow Mountain Saintess obviously did the same, so the lottery drawn by the Snow Mountain Saintess can only prove that it is her own meaning, not the meaning of God.

I don't know when those golden signs were handed down. The characters on them are simple and difficult to understand, but from ancient times to the present, the numbers on the first seal of the sign are not much different from the characters of Da Zhou.It is rumored that in the ancient times, Xiliang was also in the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It was only in the pre-Qin period that after a melee, Xiliang became independent and became a complete country, and the characters of the two countries are indeed similar. .

Susu gritted her teeth and said, "Impossible!"

"If Miss Susu doesn't believe it, you can try it." Yun Qian said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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