Chapter 544 Yunyan is Pregnant
Yun Qian took a peek at Yun Jingyan, feeling a little funny in her heart.

Yun Jingyan turned his head to Ye Wuchen again and said, "Wuchen..."

Before he could say anything, Ye Wuchen put down his chopsticks, and then said calmly: "I'm full, Mr. Yuezhang, eat slowly."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up unceremoniously, then turned around and left the table without giving Yun Jingyan any face.

Yunqian has always felt that Ye Wuchen is the kind of person who can maintain benevolence, morality and worldly etiquette at any time, but seeing Ye Wuchen like this, her eyes moved slightly, although she felt This kind of behavior was not suitable for him, but she also felt that he made her feel a little better when he spoke to Yun Jing like this today.

Yun Jingyan couldn't hold back his old face any longer, but he couldn't get angry, after all, he was a bit rude in this matter.

So Yun Jingyan turned his face to Yunzheng and said: "Zheng'er, after you return to Yefu, you have to serve Wuchen well, don't be as cold-tempered as before, you understand?"

"I know." Yunzheng replied very indifferently: "I will serve my husband as if he were dead."

"What does it mean to serve like a dead person?" Yun Jingyan said angrily.

Yunzheng said unhurriedly: "Didn't father just want me to marry a dead man?"

Yun Jingyan also lost his voice immediately, but Yunzheng said again: "From childhood to adulthood, this is the second time I have eaten at the same table with my father, and I think this should be the last time. Father's glory and wealth will continue from now on. It has nothing to do with me, I only hope that my husband's family will flourish."

After she finished speaking, she bowed slightly to Yun Jingyan, and then left without looking back.

Yun Jingyan was so angry that his teeth hurt, Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, but he asked again, "Why didn't you see Eldest Sister today?"

"She is not feeling well, resting in the room." Yun Jingyan said with a cold face.

Yun Qian smiled and said, "I wanted to thank Eldest Sister today, but I didn't expect that I would have no chance today."

Yun Jingyan looked at her when he heard her words, and seeing a slight mockery and indifference on her delicate face, his heart couldn't help tightening, but he smiled and said: "As a father, I know you sisters Affectionate."

Yunqian snorted coldly, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth and said: "It's true that sisters love each other deeply. I hope that my eldest sister will marry the third prince as soon as possible, so that I can honor the lintel of my Yunfu."

Yun Jingyan is so shrewd, so he has naturally heard the thorn in her words. He originally wanted to use Yun Qian's hand to help Yun Yan. Seeing Yun Qian's face, he suddenly felt that his wishful thinking seemed to be wrong.

Recently, something happened in the Yun Mansion, which made him feel extremely bad. He felt that the marriage between Yun Yan and Chu Mo might not be a good thing.

All of this has exceeded his expectations.

After Yunqian finished her lunch, she walked out of the flower hall. Huanyu walked up to her and said, "Concubine Shizi, something happened to Miss."

Yun Qian raised her eyebrows slightly, and Huanyu said in a low voice: "Yesterday, Li Ping'er went to the pharmacy, and today the eldest miss has been bedridden. I heard from the mother-in-law in the mansion that last night the eldest miss cried the whole time. At night, early this morning, there was blood pouring out of her backyard."

Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, and said with a sneer, "In this way, my eldest sister has suffered."

(End of this chapter)

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