Chapter 545
Huanyu blinked his eyes, but his eyes were full of coldness.

Yun Qian said lightly: "I originally wanted to go and see her today, but now it seems that there is really no need. I don't need to see such a house, and I don't bother to see such a mess. In the future Road, I would like to see how she will go on."

That night in Mingzhuang, if her reaction was slower, what happened to Yun Yan today would probably happen to her.

Then Yunyan's arrogance made her even more disdainful. Some things don't need to be read again, just listening to them is very interesting. It's just that Yunyan deliberately harmed her, if she just let Yunyan go She can also be a Virgin, but obviously, she never has the potential to be a Virgin.

She went back to Mochou's room and wrote a prescription and handed it to Huanyu, saying: "Try to find a way to let this prescription fall into the hands of the eldest sister, and say that it is a good prescription for nourishing qi and blood. It is good for women after miscarriage." In good health."

Huanyu's eyes moved slightly, and she understood what Yunqian meant, so she asked softly, "Concubine Shizi, does this prescription really have such an effect?"

Yun Qian smiled and said, "What do you think?"

She smiled lightly, but the smile didn't reach her eyes, and her whole face was filled with chills. When Huanyu saw her expression, she immediately understood, and stopped asking any more questions. walked out.

Before she got married, Yunqian was the fifth young lady of Yunfu, and she was bullied and suppressed everywhere.

But after she got married, she was the eldest concubine of Prince Chu's mansion, and no one in Yun's mansion dared to say disrespect to her no matter if she was a maid or a mother-in-law.

Huanyu was originally a smart person, and she was prudent in her work. She was also the most popular in Yunfu. Before Yunqian's status was so low, Huanyu actually had a place in Yunfu. This is enough to show that this maid Absolutely shrewd in dealing with people.

So in the past, whenever there was any news around Yunqian that she needed to inquire about, she would send Huanyu to do it instead of Shuxiu.

Yun Qian glanced at the lush trees in the yard, and then at the pomegranate flowers in full bloom not far away.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, everything in this yard seemed so vibrant, but she could faintly see a trace of failure behind this vitality.

Her eyes moved slightly, and when she turned around, she saw Ye Wuchen standing behind her again, her brows furrowed immediately, she had nothing to say to him, so she turned around and wanted to leave.

Ye Wuchen's voice came from behind her: "From now on, I will go to Chu Palace every day."

Yun Qian closed her eyes slightly, but left without answering.

However, Chu Yuanzhou's voice was heard again: "Very good, I am waiting for Brother Ye's arrival at the Chu Palace every day."

Yun Qian turned around in surprise, but saw Chu Yuanzhou standing on the road paved with bluestone slabs, with a piece of dog's tail grass in the corner of his mouth, Ye Wuchen turned his head and looked at him, but he smiled and said: "Chu Yuanzhou The servants in the palace have never been enough, now it’s not cheap to hire a servant, Qianqian, don’t be a wasteful servant, you are married now, I just entered the court, and I don’t have much money in hand, we To save a little money, you have to learn how to keep a house."

Yunqian felt a little speechless when she heard Chu Yuanzhou's words. What is this?He has a knack for mixing everything up.

(End of this chapter)

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