Chapter 576
The Saintess of the Snow Mountain suddenly changed her face, and she said coldly: "What does the concubine Shizi mean?"

Yun Qian said four or two times: "It's just that the saint's status is noble, and she won't do things that hinder her status, won't do things that lose her status, and won't do things that are not good. I really don't have any other meaning. Is the saint thinking too much?"

Her words are extremely generous, quite like the demeanor of a housewife.There was a bit of sharpness between those words.

If the Snow Mountain Saintess gets angry, it doesn't match her identity. If she doesn't, she feels too aggrieved. For a while, she was overwhelmed by Yun Qian's short words and didn't know what to do.

The queen heard the conversation between the two, and secretly praised Yunqian in her heart. She had lived in the harem for a long time and was also the master of the harem. She dealt with the beauties and nobles whom the emperor had newly recruited. Her methods were somewhat similar to Yunqian's.

In the queen's heart, she always felt that to be a royal wife, she had to look like a royal wife. No matter how young the beauties and nobles the emperor brought into the palace, she needed to treat them calmly. She had to let them know their status. , and let them know that she is noble, has the air of a queen, and also has the air of tolerance.

On this point, Yunqian only used a few short words to show the atmosphere of the main room. Although the Snow Mountain Saintess did not have an attack, her complexion was extremely ugly, and she had long since lost her previous demeanor.

Her appearance, in Yun Qian's eyes, was a bit ridiculous.

Those well-known ladies all chuckled when they heard this, Zheng Luoyu was the most straightforward, and said directly: "Actually, the saint will be almost 20 years old this year. It doesn't matter. But I heard that the saint is about to return to vulgarity. She is considered a person in the world of mortals, so she wants to find someone of the right family to marry. Even though the saint has a beautiful appearance, she has already passed the marriageable age. At this age Marry, I'm afraid I'm too old to be a concubine."

Zheng Luoyu doesn't like Yunqian, but she also doesn't like the Holy Maiden of the Snow Mountain. When the Holy Maiden of the Snow Mountain came to Dazhou earlier, she asserted that Zheng Luoyu's life would be rough for the rest of her life, and it would be difficult to find a good son-in-law. Therefore, he has always been worried about the prophecy of the Snow Mountain Saintess.

In addition, Zheng Luoyu's temperament was very direct, and he said whatever came to his mind.

The women around laughed out loud when they heard the words. Although they couldn't be jealous of the Snow Mountain Saintess, they still had three points of hostility towards a woman who was much more beautiful than themselves. This is a common problem of all women in the world, so Zheng Luoyu's words are As soon as he said it, someone fell into trouble immediately.

"The holy girl is extremely beautiful, but she is a bit older and missed the wedding date. It would be a pity if she could only be a concubine for others."

"The saint has always been interested in the prince of Chu, but the prince of Chu has married the concubine of the prince. If she interferes like this again, she will lose the style of a princess in a country."

"The strings of the Jiaoweiqin are made of high-quality silk and made by ancient methods. Apart from the good tone, they are also extremely flexible. It's a bit weird to break like this. It's no match for the princess. Playing tricks on the strings is too low-handed."


The women who came today are all the main wives of the princely family, and the main wives and the wives have always been sympathetic, and the Snow Mountain Saintess is so beautiful, being a concubine is really too much of a threat, and immediately the crowd rose up to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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