Chapter 577
Although the voices of the crowd were not too loud, they were extremely ear-piercing to the ears of the Holy Maiden of the Snow Mountain. It turned green and green, and it was extremely ugly.

The queen coughed lightly, and there was a sudden silence all around, and the queen said indifferently: "Today, I originally thought that Shi Zifei played the piano the best, but the strings were broken, and I haven't played a piece, so naturally I can't count it. Just now, the advice of the First Concubine is very good, I think it is very reasonable, today this recipe belongs to the Holy Maiden, the Holy Maiden is good at beauty, and I think she can carry forward this prescription."

As soon as she finished speaking, the maid beside the queen handed the prescription to the Snow Mountain Saintess.

The Snow Mountain Saintess originally planned to win Yunqian today, but now she has achieved her goal, but everything has changed. She is also smart and knows that if today's matter continues, it will embarrass her even more.

So she bowed slightly to thank the queen, and took the prescription from the hand of the maid, but to her at this moment, the prescription was like a poison, which made her feel disgusted.

She squinted at Yun Qian, but saw Yun Qian standing there quietly, dignified and generous.

She knew that at this time, she had already lost a point to Yun Qian in terms of momentum, and she suddenly felt a murderous intent in her heart, and the eyes hidden behind the ribbon suddenly increased a lot of coldness.

After the banquet was over, the queen went back to her room to rest. Yun Qian took Princess Qionghua back to her room. When entering the room, the Snow Mountain Saintess came over again and said, "The concubine's music is really good. Underestimate the princess."

Yun Qian responded with a smile: "It's not right for a saint to look at people like this. In my heart, I have never dared to underestimate anyone. Although the saint is a princess of a country, she is also a saint of snow mountains. The habit of not paying attention to people is really not good."

The Snow Mountain Saintess did not explain her twisted words, but only sneered and said, "It's just that there is still a long way to go, and it's still unknown who will win and who will lose."

"If the saint really wants to compete with me, then please let her go." There was a three-point smile in Yunqian's eyes, but his eyes were cold and authentic: "Although Yunqian is not talented, in this life I've never been afraid of anyone."

The snow-capped saint's eyes burst out with coldness, but Yunqian turned around calmly and gracefully, gave a gentle salute, and then went back to the room very calmly.

Seeing this scene, Princess Qionghua felt very refreshed in her heart. She didn't need to put on airs like Yun Qian. Seeing the slightly blue face of the Snow Mountain Saintess, she felt even more happy. She walked to the door. Shi Shi turned his head and made a grimace at the Snow Mountain Saintess, and then stepped on the ground with one finger, very unceremoniously.

Seeing Princess Qionghua's appearance, Susu, the maidservant next to the Snow Mountain Saintess, was very angry, and immediately said angrily: "Is this how the concubine Shizi teaches the servants?"

Although Yunqian didn't see what Princess Qionghua did, she knew Princess Qionghua's character, so she turned her head and said indifferently: "I will never teach my servants again, and I will never do anything like that. The next day, let the maid come to deliver the jade pendant."

Yunqian had a grudge on this matter. She and Chu Yuanzhou's newlywed Snow Mountain Saintess tried to seduce Chu Yuanzhou away, and sent someone to give him the jade pendant the next day. The Snow Mountain Saintess really had good intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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