Chapter 578
The face of the Snow Mountain Saintess turned black immediately, Su Su was so angry that she jumped up and down, but she couldn't attack, after all, that incident was indeed a fact that was given to others, but she was very determined when she did it, but the result made her very disappointed .

Princess Qionghua's eyes slanted, and she said in a strange way: "That's so lowly that you will be sent to the door like that, I'm afraid you really think of yourself as a fairy in the sky!"

After she finished speaking, she closed the door heavily.

She closed it in a hurry, and the door almost hit the nose of the Snow Mountain Saintess.

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain was so angry that her chest heaved up and down. She bit her lip and went back to the room. After returning to the room, Su Su said angrily, "Saint, you have seen it too. Yun Qian is really extremely arrogant!"

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain remained silent, Su Su said again: "Saint, the son was originally yours, but now this bitch Yun Qian has taken a step ahead, you must not let her go like this!"

Susu folded in Yunqian's hand once, and saw the Saintess of the Snow Mountain frustrated one after another. She hated Yunqian extremely.

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain was already extremely unhappy in her heart, but when Susu said this again, she felt even more depressed, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Shut up!"

Tears welled up in Susu's eyes, but she knew she couldn't say anything more, so she had to wipe away the tears.

When the Snow Mountain Saintess asked Susu and Zizi to send the jade pendant to the Prince of Chu's mansion that day, she was a little uneasy at the beginning but also somewhat determined. She thought she was unparalleled, and as long as she wanted to be with anyone, no one would. May reject her.

That jade pendant is not an ordinary jade pendant, but has a special meaning. When she and Chu Yuanzhou parted, she once told Chu Yuanzhou that if one day she could find a suitable heir, she would come back to find him. He will give her a jade pendant carved from snow jade.

That jade pendant was when she left the snow mountain that day, she found a thousand-year-old jade, and then embedded her name on it, meaning to give her heart to him, and he could come to propose marriage.

She originally thought that Chu Yuanzhou would be ecstatic when he saw the jade pendant, and then he would divorce Yun Qian directly, go to the post station to find her, and then write a letter to the emperor to grant him a marriage.

But not only did Chu Yuanzhou not divorce Yun Qian, but he crushed the jade pendant she gave him into powder!Zizi was also severely injured.

On that day, she suddenly discovered that everything was not going according to the track she had expected, as if something was passing by her side.

Then on the day they met in the palace, she felt even more sad. He actually protected Yunqian in front of her. She admitted that Yunqian might be considered beautiful, but she had absolute confidence that there would be no such thing in this world. There are women more beautiful than her.

How could Chu Yuanzhou fall in love with Yun Qian and abandon her?There must be something in the middle that she doesn't know.

And she will definitely let Chu Yuanzhou see clearly that she is not only better than Yun Qian in appearance, but also far better than Yun Qian in talent!
That's why she had plans for today, but she didn't want to be compared to Yun Qian again!

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain was in an irritable mood, and she thought about many things in her mind for a while. After thinking about it, she finally took out her box of destiny. She reached out and stroked the surface of the box gently, and then opened the box. There were several red threads inside.

Those who don't understand don't know what the red line means, but Susu was stunned when she saw the box, and she couldn't help asking: "Saint..."

(End of this chapter)

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