Chapter 580 Half Score
Su Su hurriedly said: "Can the saint think of a way to deal with the concubine?"

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain said slowly: "Of course there is a way. I have practiced divination for so many years. Even though Yun Qian exposed the fault that day, in my opinion, all that was just a coincidence. It was me. I underestimated her too much before, that's why I missed the opportunity that day."

She paused for a moment, then narrowed her eyes slightly and said: "But I am a practitioner after all, and I am blessed with divine eyes. I may not be very good at other things, but catching monsters is definitely my strong point."

"How does the Holy Maiden plan to deal with Yun Qian?" Su Su asked curiously.

The Snow Mountain Saintess lightly picked up the silk scarf and covered her eyes, and then said unhurriedly, "I'm going to make her disappear!"

She spoke very slowly, almost word for word, with a murderous aura in her words.

Yunqian and Princess Qionghua heard the sound of the compartment in the room, and Princess Qionghua said rather proudly: "Qianqian, this time I'm mad at that little bitch, I'm very happy just thinking about it!"

Yun Qian sat there motionless, her eyes full of indifference.

Princess Qionghua asked: "Aren't you happy that you won that little bitch today?"

"Although I won against her today, I also won extremely dangerously." Yun Qian said slowly.

Princess Qionghua raised her eyebrows and said: "I see that you won very beautifully, so there is no danger, you played that song "Qing Ling Song" really well, that bitch is really stupid Very, I moved my hands and feet on the strings."

Yun Qian said lightly: "Although I have the score of "Qing Ling Song", there is only half of it. I thought about writing it before, but what I wrote could not be tuned after all. And the strings are not from the Snow Mountain Saintess. What broke it was that I added something to my fingertips before playing the piano. Although the strings were strong, they were not immune to the invasion of those potions on my fingertips. I was afraid of being discovered, so I only painted them on my little finger. A little bit, so there is only one section.”

Princess Qionghua was dumbfounded when she heard this, and she looked at Yunqian in disbelief and said, "In this way, you are really lucky, but Qianqian, you are so courageous that you dare to do it in front of so many people. Such a small move. I was by your side at the time, and I couldn't see any clues."

Yun Qian said disapprovingly: "Sister, I'm afraid that today's attention will be on the Saintess of the Snow Mountain, so why would she care about me?"

Princess Qionghua laughed when she heard the words, and Yun Qian said again: "If my sister wants to deal with the Saintess of the Snow Mountain, it's best not to make it known based on your current status. If I didn't stop you today, are you going to jump over and bite like that?" she?"

"How could I do such a thing." Princess Qionghua blinked and said: "As you said, I can't do it clearly, but I can always do it secretly."

Yun Qian was a little speechless when she heard the words, but she also knew Princess Qionghua's temperament, and she might not be able to stop her. Now she just begged Princess Qionghua not to make too much noise.

As the night was getting darker, Yun Qian was sleeping in the same bed with Lord Qionghua. In the dimness, she felt that the quilt was lifted, and Princess Qionghua got out of bed lightly.

Yun Qian suddenly woke up, but she didn't call out to Princess Qionghua, she remained motionless, but her eyes were opened.

After tossing all day tonight, Huanyu had already fallen asleep in the side room, and did not hear any noise from outside.

(End of this chapter)

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