Chapter 581 Late Night Tracking
After Princess Qionghua opened the door, Yunqian hurriedly put on her clothes and went out. After she met Lord Qionghua, she knew that the princess seemed careless on the face, but in fact she had hidden a lot of things in her heart. She was worried about getting up secretly at this time, fearing that nothing good would happen, she was a little curious about what Princess Qionghua was going to do.

She gently opened the door, it was the full moon tonight, the moonlight outside was bright, there were patches of frogs in the distance, and the sound of the waterfall, the night was cold and cold.

She saw Princess Qionghua walking lightly towards the lotus pond in the east with her waist bent, and she hurriedly followed.

The moonlight was bright and clear, and the lotus was in full bloom at this time, and the faint fragrance of the lotus came from the cold air, and the sound of the frogs could be heard more clearly.

As far as Yun Qian's eyes could see, she saw Princess Qionghua slowly going around to the south of the pond, where there was a large open space, surrounded by a railing near the river, and beside the railing, there was a gazebo, and inside the gazebo was a stone pavilion. There are more than a dozen wooden square chairs outside the gazebo, all of which are carved with exquisite patterns, which are simple and elegant.

Princess Qionghua first sat in the pavilion for a while, and then sat each square chair next to each other. After she finished sitting, she walked forward along the railing. There was a high viewing platform in front of her. See the scenery in the whole courtyard.

Seeing that Princess Qionghua was about to climb up the high platform, Yun Qian felt that Princess Qionghua's actions tonight were too weird. She originally thought that Princess Qionghua would arrange a trap to deal with the Snow Mountain Saintess, but she did not expect that she would run away. Here it comes.

She couldn't figure out Princess Qionghua's intentions for a while, and felt that it would be boring to follow along like this, and was about to go back, but she heard the sound of sobbing from the high platform.

Yunqian felt that Princess Qionghua climbed up to the high platform to cry in the middle of the night, which was really terrifying. She couldn't help shivering, but her shivering hadn't finished yet, when she heard Princess Qionghua bring A crying voice came: "I told you earlier not to bring her back, but you refused to listen. Now that something like this has happened, where do you want to put me?"

Yun Qian was slightly stunned when she heard this sentence. Could there be someone else on the high platform?Princess Qionghua ran out of her room in the middle of the night just to keep an appointment?

She felt that eavesdropping was a little unkind, and she was about to get up and leave, but she didn't hear anyone else's voice, and at this moment, she heard Princess Qionghua's crying voice: "The Snow Mountain Maiden said that my life Lonely and helpless, there will be no man in this life who will really love me. Are you leaving this time to prove her golden mouth and jade? If so, then get out and never come back in this life!"

When Yunqian heard Princess Qionghua's voice, she felt a chill rising from the soles of her feet. She couldn't help shaking, and vaguely guessed who Princess Qionghua was talking to. In such a situation, it could only be the son-in-law , but how could the son-in-law be in another courtyard at this time?
Yun Qian didn't know much about Princess Qionghua before, and she didn't know who the son-in-law was, but Princess Qionghua lived alone all the time, and she had never seen the son-in-law before. When she asked Princess Qionghua where the son-in-law was, Princess Qionghua only asked Say "dead" and end the conversation.

She had previously felt that the death that Princess Qionghua spoke of did not necessarily mean the death of a person, but thinking of these things now, she faintly felt that there was something wrong with all of this.

(End of this chapter)

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