Chapter 585 Love at first sight

"Slightly understand." Chu Yi replied: "Why did Shi Zifei suddenly ask about this matter?"

Yun Qian bit her lip and said, "Dare to ask the second prince, Shenwu, on the third day of March in the third year of the third month, did he ever go to the Peach Blossom Forest outside the Ming Mansion, and played a piece of music on the flute there?"

There was a touch of surprise in Chu Yi's eyes, and he replied immediately: "That year, Yuanzhou secretly went back to Beijing to see the peach blossoms. I also went back to Beijing to sacrifice to the late emperor. At that time, I had been meeting in the peach forest. This incident alarmed Ye Wuchen. Yuan Zhou could not return to Beijing without the permission of his father, so I once played the flute in the forest to lure Ye Wuchen over. That day you also seemed to follow the sound from Mingfu After a few years, the crown prince has changed a lot, she is completely different from the woman she saw in the forest back then."

When Yun Qian heard his words, she immediately relieved the doubts that had been buried in her heart for many years.

At that time, the deity of her body heard that Ye Wuchen was going to come to the peach blossom forest to enjoy the peach blossoms. Because of her engagement to Ye Wuchen, she always wanted to see Ye Wuchen, so she left by joy, but she met Chu Yi also regarded Chu Yi as Ye Wuchen.

Thinking of this, Yunqian felt a lot of sighs in her heart, feeling that God had played a big joke with her real body, and actually regarded Chu Yi as Ye Wuchen.

She had thought about many reasons, but she didn't expect the real reason to be like this.

She still has memories of that day in her memory. To be precise, even though this body has changed its soul, in her heart, what happened that day is so clear.

She still remembered that day Huanyu got the news from nowhere that Ye Wuchen was coming to enjoy the peach blossoms. She dressed up early and went to the peach forest alone.

She still remembered that it was late spring that day, the peach blossoms in the peach grove had thanked a lot, and the fallen leaves were colorful. At that time, she felt a little uneasy, but she was also full of joy, fearing that Ye Wuchen would look down on her after seeing her, but then want to see him.

The sun on that day was also warm, and when it was shining down, she felt that her whole life was beautiful, and the faint fragrance of flowers in her nose still smelled sweet even after several years.

The man in her memory just stood there, exuding a taste of being independent from the world. She can still feel the throbbing of that heart at that time, so that when she sees Chu Yi again now, she is always very nervous. It's hard to calm the throbbing in my heart.

Such a man is as gentle as jade, and the sound of such a flute is melodious.

She once thought that it was the most beautiful song in the world.

But now that she thinks about it carefully, if she puts her heart into it that day, she will be able to tell the difference between the song played by Ye Wuchen and the song played by Chu Yi.Chu Yi's accomplishments in musical instruments are far inferior to Ye Wuchen's. Even though he played the flute very well that day, he was not as gentle as Ye Wuchen. It was just that thousands of spring colors warmed Chu Yi's heart that day, so There is a three-point warm taste in that song.

Yun Qian felt that perhaps it was the three-point warmth that made Yun Qian, who was still full of spring and a little timid at the time, recognize the wrong person.

Because of that mistake, she spent many years of lovesickness, and she never figured out that she had admitted to the wrong person until she died.

This is Yun Qian's sorrow, but it can't be reversed.So even if Yun Qian walked away on the flower that day, and fell into the mud with excitement when she saw Chu Yi, she couldn't stop the emotion that was born in her heart.

The so-called love at first sight is just that.

(End of this chapter)

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