Chapter 586
It was that fall, when Chu Yi saw the embarrassed Yunqian. Because of that awkwardness and Chu Yi's cold temper, Chu Yi just glanced at her at that time, and walked away without even helping her. It's gone, only leaving Yunqian with a cold back, and there is no connection like the men and women in the story.

It's just that the man who left was unintentional, but the woman who stayed there was already in love.
And today Yunqian heard Chu Yi talk about that day, Yunqian finally understood that Chu Yi had already understood her identity when she appeared.Her appearance helped Chu Yuanzhou escape that day.

Now Yunqian has figured it out, in this round and round game, her former fiancé Ye Wuchen is not her lover, and Chu Yi, who made her fall in love at first sight, is not her lover either. Looking at everything in reverse, the situation she accidentally broke that day, the person who escaped from that situation is her lover.

Yun Qian couldn't help laughing, thinking that God really likes to joke, he made so many things, but it took her many years to see Chu Yuanzhou.

Up to now, she no longer thinks about why Chu Yuanzhou appeared in Yunfu that day, but she knows that his appearance cannot be accidental.

She also didn't believe that Chu Yuanzhou really went to the Taolin in Yunfu that day to enjoy the flowers.

After all these layers of calculations, there were too many things she couldn't figure out, and she didn't want to figure out those things.

Chu Yi saw her eyes turn, and there was something deep and puzzling on that pretty face, even though he didn't have any curiosity, he still asked after all: "What's wrong?"

Yun Qian shook her head and said, "It's all right, but there were some misunderstandings."

"What misunderstanding?" Chu Yi asked again.

Yunqian took a look, her dark eyes were full of agility, she chuckled and said, "When I saw you in the peach forest that day, there was a little misunderstanding."

Chu Yi was stunned for a moment, and Yunqian felt that it was not appropriate for a couple to talk about such a topic together in the middle of the night, so she added another sentence: "It's just a misunderstanding, everything is over, and now I see you again The second prince finally solved my doubts, I think this is very good."

Chu Yi had a different feeling in his heart. He was extremely smart. Even though she didn't say who she recognized him as, he could already guess in his heart, so he said slowly: "I remember At that meeting, your obsession with Ye Wuchen became famous throughout the capital, and even I, who lives far away in Ningde, heard something about it."

Yun Qian was dumbfounded, her face flushed slightly and she said: "Back when I was young, I made the Second Prince laugh at me."

A sense of anxiety rose in her heart. She didn't want Chu Yi to know about this matter, but seeing Chu Yi's appearance today, she seemed to have already guessed something.This matter can only go to the end, and she is unwilling to say another word.

Although she said that, Chu Yi didn't think it was really funny. He was also a smart person. Today, when Yunqian asked about this matter, and he said it again, some things seemed a little subtle.

It's just that Chu Yi never thought that that crazy woman who did so many things for Ye Wuchen back then always regarded him as Ye Wuchen.

(End of this chapter)

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