Chapter 589 All kinds of chaos
Yunqian suddenly realized that she seemed to have done something stupid. A proud man like Chu Yi, who has been in power for many years, has the most intelligent head in the world. What else in the world is he thinking about? do not understand.

The fact that he spoke so clearly at this time can only prove that he has one mind, that is, to break through what the two of them just said in the stone house.

Although she is a scheming person and can hide things, if she tells all this like this, she will feel a little uneasy after all.

Chu Yi looked at her with some amusement and said, "Yunqian, are you afraid of yourself or me?"

His words seemed to be out of the question at first, but when he listened carefully, there were many other flavors in it.

Yun Qian bit her lips and said: "The second prince is a gentleman, I can trust it, and I am also very confident in my own thoughts, but I have no confidence in Chu Yuanzhou, that kid doesn't know what to do all day long. Think about something, I'm afraid he will think about it."

Chu Yi heard that there was a thin layer of anger on the face that originally contained a three-point smile, and he snorted softly: "Stop making excuses, to put it bluntly, you don't believe in yourself, right?"

Hearing what he said, Yun Qian immediately didn't know how to answer, but he said unhurriedly: "Actually, that sentence you just said was completely redundant. Yuan Zhou and I grew up together since we were young. In my heart, I am his elder brother. You are his wife, and in my heart, you will only be my younger brother and sister."

Yun Qian breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and felt that there was indeed all kinds of chaos tonight.

Chu Yi gave Yunqian a slanted glance, his face was usually full of frost, but now he looked at him with anger, and Yunqian felt that there was an evil spirit in him, but this evil spirit was not there. Like Chu Yuanzhou, with a touch of rascality, but with a bit of domineering.

He took one look at her, didn't speak any more, turned his head and disappeared into the moonlight.

As soon as he left, Yunqian breathed a sigh of relief and was about to leave when she felt that there was something under her feet. She lowered her head and looked through the moonlight, but saw that it was an extremely translucent jade pendant with faint carvings on it. Three-clawed true dragon.

Yun Qian's eyes changed slightly, knowing that Chu Yi must have dropped the jade pendant just now, she thought for a while, then put the jade pendant on the stone, and did not pick it up.

Because she knew very well that she could never pick up this kind of jade pendant, the reason was very simple, there was no possibility between the two of them, and as long as one of such jade pendants was not kept properly, countless disasters would be caused.

This point, all kinds of romance novels, and all kinds of soap operas have similar plots, so she doesn't want to use her life to stage those old-fashioned and bloody plots.

If this jade pendant is very important to Chu Yi, then Chu Yi will definitely come back to look for it. If it is not important to him, whoever picks up this jade pendant can also be used as a conversation piece after dinner.

After thinking about it like this, she felt a little more calm, and then returned to her room generously.

The room was very dark, she didn't turn on the lamp, she heard the sound of breathing when she walked in slowly, she went to the side of the room to take a look by the moonlight, but saw that Princess Qionghua was sleeping soundly at this moment.

Huanyu heard the movement in the room and called softly: "Concubine Shizi, what's the matter?"

"Go to sleep! It's okay." Yunqian replied softly, she sat on the edge of the bed for a while, and shook her head slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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