Chapter 590
Yun Qian used the moon to see Princess Qionghua sleeping, and she suddenly felt that her life was bloody. This woman who had disturbed the entire courtyard tonight was sleeping here as if nothing had happened. Sleep.

Yun Qian let out a long sigh, then climbed onto the bed and lay down beside Princess Qionghua.

That night, Yunqian thought about many things. At first, she didn't feel much sleepiness, but then sleepiness came, and she fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up early the next morning, she opened her eyes and saw Princess Qionghua's smiling face. She asked, "What's the big sister's happy event early in the morning? Are you smiling so happily?"

Princess Qionghua said quite proudly: "I had a dream for many years, but it kept me from going out. I had that dream again last night. I finally killed that bitch with my own hands."

Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly and asked, "I don't know what kind of dream my sister is having?"

There was a hint of pride in Princess Qionghua's eyes, and she said: "I dreamed of another bitch who I hated to the bone. She had already gone far away. I tried everything I could to kill her, but nothing could be done. Last night I was dreaming, and the dream was that I held her with my own hands and threw her into the cliff, and then the cliff was full of sharp knives, stabbing her into thorns."

After hearing what she said, Yun Qian understood a little bit, so she asked again: "In my sister's heart, that bitch is lower than the Snow Mountain Saintess?"

"Naturally." Princess Qionghua seemed in a good mood, and after saying this, she said viciously: "As a princess, I have never lost, but I have tasted the taste of losing from that bitch."

Yun Qian chuckled, Princess Qionghua frowned and said, "What are you laughing at?"

Yun Qian looked at Princess Qionghua and said, "It's nothing, I'm just happy to see my sister's knot is untied."

She felt that there was no need to tell Princess Qionghua in detail about what happened last night. It would be good to make Princess Qionghua happy. If Princess Qionghua knew that she was the one who was pushed off the "cliff" last night, Princess Qionghua might My heart will not be happy, and I may sleepwalk next time.

Princess Qionghua always felt that there was something else in Yun Qian's words, but she was in a really good mood today, so she didn't think about it.

Huanyu came from the side room to wait for the two to wake up. When they were washing, someone had already prepared the breakfast and brought it over. After the two of them had used the breakfast, the maid next to the queen came over and said, "Shizifei, empress, please don't worry about it today. Put on the clothes she gave you yesterday."

Yunqian nodded and thanked the palace lady. When the queen brought the dress yesterday, Yunqian still had many suspicions in her heart, but after what happened last night, she felt a lot more peaceful in her heart, knowing that at least at this moment , the queen still has no malice towards her.
In fact, she doesn't like gorgeous clothes very much, but the queen has such an order, if she doesn't wear them, it will be too disrespectful to the queen.

Huanyu waited for her to put on the dress, and after putting it on, both Huanyu and Princess Qionghua's eyes were straightened, and Yunqian asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Huanyu's eyes turned slightly, and she praised: "It's not wrong, it's too good! The queen's eyes are really good, and this dress is perfect for the concubine of the world! Wearing it like this will definitely make the snow mountain holy Let that bitch compare."

(End of this chapter)

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