Chapter 591 Jealousy
Yun Qian frowned, but Princess Qionghua praised: "Huanyu, you are so right!"

Yunqian was speechless, but Huanyu smiled lightly, and Princess Qionghua turned her head to Yunqian again and said, "Don't look at the virtues of the Snow Mountain Saintess, it's just because of her That set of snow clothes, Qianqian puts on this dress, can definitely compare with her. Sister-in-law Huang has always been unreliable in doing things, but today she did a reliable thing."

When Yun Qian heard Princess Qionghua's words, she just smiled faintly. She knew very well in her heart that she would not be the opponent of the Snow Mountain Saintess in terms of appearance alone, so why bother to compare her own shortcomings with her opponent's strengths? Having said that, she must wear this dress today.

Huanyu took a set of hair for her and put it on, and then combed her a delicate bun. She sighed softly, loosened her hair and said, "It's fine to comb my usual bun. , don’t have to be so fussy.”

Princess Qionghua pursed her mouth and said nothing, Huanyu had no choice but to give up after hearing the words.

When Yun Qian led the crowd out, there was a maid waiting at the door, "The empress is going to the altar first, and asked if the concubine would like to go with her?"

"But according to the Queen's orders." Yun Qian said softly.

The palace maid smiled, and led Yun Qian to walk outside, only then did Yun Qian realize that there were dozens of carriages parked outside, and those ladies and ladies had arrived early, and she was the last one to come.

Su Ru said sneeringly: "The concubine Shizi really has a lot of face, to let the empress wait for you here."

That's what she said, but when she saw Yunqian's clothes, her eyes suddenly became full of jealousy. She just felt that Yunqian is really radiant today, not to mention that she is fat and out of shape now, even if she is When she didn't gain weight before, she definitely wasn't as good as Yun Qian in appearance.

And when she looked at the clothes on her body again, she suddenly felt a little depressed, because she gained weight so fast that she couldn't wear the summer clothes made by Chunri at all.But she had to do it now, because it was too hasty and there was no good material, when the two clothes were compared, the gap immediately appeared, and there was no comparison at all.
Before Yun Qian could speak, the queen said, "It's okay, I think the concubine is going to change the clothes I gave her, so she came late."

What the queen said was to tell everyone that the dress on Yunqian was given by the queen. These women had seen the world and knew that the dress was worthless, and everyone's eyes were filled with envy.

Yun Qian felt a little annoyed in her heart. The queen pushed her to the forefront with just a few words, which was not what she wanted, but she could only softly say: "Thank you, empress, for the reward."

The queen smiled lightly, turned around gracefully, Yun Qian got into the carriage, and the carriage moved forward slowly.

Princess Qionghua said beside Yun Qian: "Sister-in-law Huang has really changed her temperament. I can't figure out what she wants to do with what she did today."

Yun Qian's eyes turned, and she sighed softly, but didn't say much.

The women in the harem are all masters in fighting. As long as the queen uses her too much, she can act as if nothing happened.And in the entire capital, if there is no use value at all, life will be difficult to live well.

The altar was not too far from the other courtyard, and the carriage stopped after only a quarter of an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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