Chapter 592 Snow Mountain Secret Technique
The county magistrate of Ningde had already been waiting by the altar. When the queen got out of the carriage, the surrounding officials had already knelt on the ground. When they saw her get off the carriage, they immediately shouted, "The empress is a thousand years old!"

The queen dignifiedly excused everyone from the salute, and then walked up to the altar with the help of the maid beside her. The incense, candles and three animals had already been prepared, and the Snow Mountain Saintess walked over from the side.

Yun Qian saw that today's Snow Mountain Saintess is not wearing the white clothes of the past, but today she is wearing a black robe.

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain gave a salute to the Queen, who nodded slightly, and Yun Qian followed the ladies and ladies standing behind the Queen.

The Snow Mountain Saintess took a mahogany sword and saluted the queen again. The queen walked to her side, and she gently pulled out a cover with a very strange pattern printed on it.

After Yun Qian saw the pattern, she felt familiar, but she didn't remember where she saw it.

The queen looked at the saint in the snow mountain and said: "The saint is from Xiliang, but she is the person closest to heaven in the whole world. This time, I pray for my great week, and please take care of the saint."

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you are welcome. Xiliang and Dazhou were originally of the same clan. Dazhou is blessed, and Xiliang is also blessed."

What she said was very suitable for the empress. The empress nodded slightly and said, "Please the saint."

The Snow Mountain Saintess nodded, and the queen took a step back.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Yunqian suddenly understood something. Last night, the queen seemed to help her, and she seemed very angry with the Saintess of the Snow Mountain, but she never said anything too harshly, and she did things with care. Divide room.Even though she exposed those tricks of the Snow Mountain Saintess that day, in the hearts of everyone, that incident was just a coincidence. In today's ceremony, the queen still needs the Snow Mountain Saintess to come forward.

Princess Qionghua stood beside Yunqian and said softly, "There will be a good show soon."

Yun Qian didn't know what the trick was in Princess Qionghua's mouth, so she asked in a low voice, "How do you say it?"

"You'll know soon." Princess Qionghua's eyes were full of confidence.

Yun Qian was puzzled, but Princess Qionghua stopped talking, and Yun Qian couldn't ask any more questions if she didn't talk.

But seeing the Snow Mountain Saintess lightly raise the peach wood sword, but saw the red light glowing faintly from the sword that hadn't opened, and there were exclamations from all around, but Princess Qionghua sneered.

Yun Qian's heart tightened when she heard Princess Qionghua's sneer, and she faintly felt that something big was about to happen, but she didn't know much about the tricks of the Snow Mountain Saintess, but she remembered what she had seen on TV before. Those tricks about the flame-breathing tricks of the warlocks in the rivers and lakes, I finally feel that with the status of the Snow Mountain Saintess, I would not do those unstyled things.

Sure enough, the Snow Mountain Saintess gently inserted the red peach wood sword into the mahogany box she had prepared earlier, and she took out a god box from another mahogany box. The god box was carved with extremely exquisite patterns. When the box was opened, Inside is actually a cut paper figurine.

The Snow Mountain Saintess put all the paper figurines into the stove beside her, and then uttered incantations. Those curse words were very ancient, and almost no one could understand them.

The Saintess of the Snow Mountain knelt down, and the Queen also knelt on the ground with the crowd, only to hear the Saintess of the Snow Mountain say: "God bless me!"

All the girls followed suit and said, "God bless me!"

(End of this chapter)

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