Chapter 593 Soul Out of Body
The Saintess of the Snow Mountain picked up a silver bell and shook it lightly. Yun Qian felt a little dazed when she heard the sound of the silver bell, and felt her heart fluctuate slightly with the ringing of that bell.

She felt uncomfortable as if her heart was being grasped by something, but she didn't understand that it was just the ringing, how could she have such a feeling, her face turned pale in an instant, if she wasn't offering sacrifices to the sky, she might get up and leave.

When this thought arose in her heart, she felt that her legs were no longer working, and her whole body was sore and limp.

Although Yun Qian's body is not in good condition, she has taken care of it these days, and it is much better than before. She has never experienced such a feeling of chest tightness and shortness of breath. She even feels that her soul is about to fly out. .

And the bell sounded even more urgent at this time, jingling like the Sanskrit sounds in heaven.

Yunqian only felt that half of her body was floating, and the feeling of discomfort became more intense. She suddenly remembered a book she had read about leaving souls, saying that a fortune-teller could use his hands and spiritual sense to reach a certain level of training. Ring the silver bells together, for those whose souls are not stable, such bells can kill.

When she saw this passage before, she felt that it was too evil, and she only read it as a story and didn't pay attention to it. Now when she thought about it, she couldn't help being shocked, she was afraid that the things she had seen before were true.

She immediately understood that the Saintess of the Snow Mountain competed with her last night for the sake of cheating her. If she could win, she would be trampled under her feet. If she couldn't, it was just to make her proud. , the real purpose of the Snow Mountain Saintess is today's ceremony.

Yun Qian has always been somewhat on guard against people, but the tricks of the Snow Mountain Saintess are so weird that there is no way to guard against them.

Even though she had thought that the Saintess of the Snow Mountain would make a move this time, she never expected that the Saintess of the Snow Mountain would make such a move!

The soul-snatching bell is useless to other people, but it is fatal to her, a ray of soul that came from another world.

She immediately understood that this ceremony was prepared by the Snow Mountain Saintess for Yun Qian.And the Saintess of the Snow Mountain has always believed in what she saw that day.

Beads of sweat were already oozing from Yunqian's forehead, and she bit her lip fiercely. Princess Qionghua was right behind her, and she didn't see anything unusual about her. Princess Qionghua's eyes were fixed on the altar all the time.

Huanyu noticed Yun Qian's abnormality, and asked softly, "Concubine Shizi, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Yun Qian couldn't speak at all, her body was almost on the ground, she knew that if this continued, she might have to go through time again.

When this idea came out of her mind, she felt a little funny. When she came to this world, she had nothing. Now that she has a family relationship and a love that belongs to her, is it really necessary to leave like this again? ?
She felt a little unwilling, even if she traveled again, she would definitely not let Chu Yuanzhou be with the Snow Mountain Saintess, or in other words, Chu Yuanzhou could be with any woman in this world, but that woman would never be together. It can't be the Snow Mountain Saintess!
Princess Qionghua's eyes were full of excitement. She kept staring at the Holy Maiden of the Snow Mountain, but she didn't hear Huanyu's words. She murmured: "One, two, three..."

(End of this chapter)

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