Chapter 703 No Concubine Room
Chu Yuanzhou said again: "I once heard from Mama Huang that the father and the king took my concubine within a month after marrying my concubine mother. As far as I can remember, the king father rarely went to the concubine mother. The concubine never said anything, but I could tell that she was not happy all the time. After the incident between me and the Snow Mountain Saintess broke out, she worried about me all day long. After she came back from the Snow Mountain Saintess At that time, my father married Lu Zhu, who was raised in the outer room, into the palace as a concubine. The wedding day was unprecedentedly grand. The most interesting thing is that my father said that Lu Zhu would Entering the door is because of the illness of the concubine mother, and I am happy for her."

There was a hint of anger in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes, but Yunqian sighed softly. Hearing what Chu Yuanzhou said, she couldn't tell Chu Yuanzhou that the true love of King Chu is the road. Bamboo, in King Chu's heart, Princess Chu is just a product of power.

She coughed lightly and said, "How did your concubine mother react at that time?"

"The concubine mother didn't say much at the time. I was so angry that I wanted to kill someone. The concubine stopped me, saying that she was unwell and asked me to accompany her. She said that she was very happy to see me put the snow mountain maiden down. As long as I am good, she never cares about how her father treats her." Chu Yuanzhou said softly.

Yunqian intuited that there were other stories between Princess Chu and King Chu, but it was hard to say anything at this time, so she said slowly: "Maybe my mother and concubine never loved my father, so who will my father marry?" She doesn't care."

"I thought about it before, but that night, when my concubine opened the window and looked at the noisy west courtyard, she felt sad. Although she kept calm in front of me, I could understand the sadness in her heart." Chu Yuan The boat is quiet and authentic.

"So you made a big fuss in the bridal chamber of the father and concubine Lu that night?" Yun Qian asked curiously.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "You guessed it right again, Qianqian, I just discovered that I have no privacy at all in front of you."

Yun Qian couldn't laugh, she had seen his ability to make trouble before, and she imagined that he made a lot of trouble that night.

Chu Yuanzhou withdrew his smile and said again: "I set fire to the bridal chamber in the West Wing. At that time, the guests had already dispersed. My father was furious and fought with me. Back then, my martial arts were not as good as his, so I was beaten violently by him." After a pause, I told him that he can spend his days and nights, and so can I. In the eyes of the world, I should have changed my temperament after that night, but I am not."

Yun Qian held his chin with one hand, and Chu Yuanzhou said again: "My concubine mother was so ill at the time, how could I have those low-level thoughts, I was always by my concubine's side at that time, taking care of her daily life It's just that after entering the door from Luzhu, the father stayed with her every night, and the servants in the palace also lost a bit of respect for the concubine mother. I have seen the flattering faces of the concubine mother when she is in good health, and I have also seen her After a serious illness, everyone is very angry. So I swore in front of my mother and concubine that if I marry a wife, I will definitely not accept concubines, and I must make her happy."

Yun Qian's eyes became warmer when she heard the words. She had been thinking earlier that it was impossible for a person like Chu Yuanzhou who grew up in a feudal ideology to promise her to marry only one wife in the future and not take concubines. He was so straightforward, nine out of ten he was coaxing her.After hearing what he said, she believed it a little.

(End of this chapter)

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