Chapter 704
Yun Qian felt that when his son saw his mother suffer so much, his heart would definitely be touched.

She stretched out her hand to gently hold Chu Yuanzhou's hand, and Chu Yuanzhou said softly: "The doctor said that my mother and concubine are suffering from depression. If she doesn't let go of the knot in her heart, she will be very difficult to recover. So from now on After that, I took my concubine mother to play outside every day and told her all kinds of jokes. She listened with a smile and went to catch fish and shrimp with me. Her complexion seemed to be better, but she was alone. When I was alone, but I was still in a daze, so I knew that even if I tried my best, I would not be able to replace her father's position in her heart."

Yunqian sighed softly, and Chu Yuanzhou said again: "I took my mother and concubine to play outside for a month, and finally brought her back to the palace. On the day I returned to the palace, I saw my father was accompanying Lu Zhu Swinging on the swing, Lu Zhu smiled happily at that time, and the father's face was not as cold as before, and there was a touch of warmth on his face."

"Mother and concubine went back to the room bypassing the two of them. I don't know if my father and Lu Zhu saw it, but they both pretended not to see it."

"After the concubine mother returned to the palace, her health deteriorated day by day. Lu Zhu often came to visit the concubine mother. The concubine mother was very indifferent from the beginning to the end. At that time, I was also a little depressed because of the matter of the snow mountain saint. After I settled down my concubine at night, I went out to drink alone, and I was so drunk that night that I couldn't wake up. When I woke up the next day, the steward of the palace came and said that my concubine was seriously ill."

"I was so frightened that I hurried back. The concubine mother was lying in front of the bed with a face like gold paper. The imperial doctor was treating her at that time. The imperial doctor told me after administering the needles that the concubine mother might never wake up again. Okay, let me prepare for the funeral. I was stunned when I heard the news. I always felt that the imperial doctor had lied to me, so I spent a lot of effort to find folk remedies and invited experts all over the place. When I woke up, my body became thinner and weaker day by day."

"Lu Zhu came over to see her mother and concubine several times from time to time, and wept softly beside her every time he came, but the father didn't even look at her. My heart was getting colder for the father every day. Something happened to the Shenwu Camp I led, and the emperor dismissed me. At that time, I felt that the Snow Mountain Saintess abandoned me, and the mother and concubine were seriously ill. My official career seemed to end here, so I felt that I was the only one in this world. If there is any excess, I will be drunk every day."

"At that time, my aunt came and scolded me severely. She woke me up by scolding me, and then I quit drinking, but I had seen through the world situation in the capital city and the warmth and coldness of the world, and then the whole capital city never There is no genius Chu Yuanzhou, only a prodigal Chu Yuanzhou."

When Chu Yuanzhou said this, he laughed lightly, as if those things seemed so ridiculous to him now.

Yun Qian couldn't laugh, she stretched out her hand to gently caress his eyebrows, and then said softly: "If you never leave, I will depend on you for life and death. Yuan Zhou, I will walk with you on the way forward. "

Chu Yuanzhou gently hugged her into his arms, his eyes were slightly red.

After listening to his words, Yun Qian was also touched a lot in her heart, she said softly: "Don't worry too, I will definitely find a way to cure my concubine's illness, so that she can live happily."

(End of this chapter)

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