Chapter 710

Yun Qian said lightly: "I don't know either, I just want to do something for my concubine."

After she finished speaking, she saw that Huang's mother seemed to be relieved, so she said again: "It's just that I look at the condition of my mother and concubine, and it seems that there is no hope for waking up. It’s hard to find, and I’m not completely sure.”

Huang's mother was slightly startled and said, "Can the concubine wake up again?"

"Does Mama Huang not want Concubine Mother to wake up?" Yun Qian asked Mama Huang curiously.

Huang's mother hurriedly said: "Of course not, the old slave is looking forward to the princess waking up every day! It's just that the princess has been lying here for so many years, and I feel so distressed. The previous imperial physicians said that the princess can't be cured. But the princess is still hopeful to be cured, this old slave is really happy!"

Seeing her eyes dodging, Yun Qian chuckled and said, "Actually, I'm not sure, but the son respects the concubine mother very much. I always feel that I should do something for the son, so I have such an idea in my heart, and I have to try it." , and the medicine that is missing in the middle is too special, it is really hard to find, and today I feel that there is really no hope."

"Oh." Mama Huang breathed a sigh of relief again, but smiled and said, "Shizi Concubine is really a talented woman, she can even take the pulse and heal the disease."

Yunqian smiled lightly, but didn't say much. She turned her head and walked in front of the ink orchid and said, "This orchid is really very special. When I came here a month ago, this flower bloomed like this. It's still like this after a month, and it doesn't show any signs of fading, which is really interesting."

After she finished speaking, she picked up the flowerpot, and Mama Huang hurriedly said, "I also think it's strange, but this is the princess's favorite flower, and now it blooms so well, I think it's the princess' spirit in the sky who is protecting this potted flower."

Yun Qian nodded lightly and said: "It really makes sense. I heard that Concubine Mother is the smartest woman in the world, and also the kindest person. There are many people in the palace who are taken care of by her. I didn't expect Concubine Mother She also took good care of the flowers and plants. It's just that the mother concubine died before she died, so how did she become a spirit in the sky? Mama Huang's words are really interesting."

When she said this, her eyes darkened a bit.

Ms. Huang knew that she had slipped her tongue when she heard the words. In Ms. Huang's heart, she had already regarded Princess Chu as a dead person, so she said that sentence very smoothly. Unexpectedly, Yun Qian heard it for real.
She had no choice but to slap herself and said: "Look at me, an old fool, I'm talking nonsense! Please punish the princess!"

She was a little apprehensive, and it would be great if Yun Qian took a wrong place, and secretly scolded herself for being too careless to say such a wrong place inadvertently.

Yun Qian smiled slightly and said: "It's okay, you have taken care of my concubine all these years, and you have been sincere to her concubine. The world knows how distracted you are, and I will not punish you."

As soon as she finished speaking, she hugged the potted flower and turned around, as if she wanted to put it in the sun to see it for real. When she held it, her hands shook slightly. Although the flowerpot was not too big, she held it like that. But it seems to be very difficult.

Seeing her hugging the potted flower like that, Mama Huang couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "Concubine Shi Zi, hold the flower firmly, be careful not to break it, this is Wang Hao's favorite flower, if it is broken, I'm afraid Shi Zi Grandpa will be very angry."

(End of this chapter)

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