Chapter 711

Yun Qian hurriedly said: "I just want to see how amazing this potted flower is. If Mama Huang said so, then I won't read it. Mama Huang will help me, ouch, I can't bend down anymore. "

Huanyu and Shuxiu were about to come over to help, but she glanced at them, and they didn't move immediately.

Huang's mother didn't see this detail, she only remembered the potted flower in her heart, and went to help Yun Qian get the flower pot, she just approached, Yun Qian loosened her hand, and immediately hit the potted flower on the ground, and the potted flower was in the pot. The soil was pitch black and looked like it had been fertilized enough.

Yun Qian was shocked and said, "What can we do?"

Huang's mother was also dumbfounded. She didn't expect Yun Qian to let go of her hand at this moment, and the potted flower was thrown so that the roots were exposed.

Yun Qianhong said with red eyes: "Mother Huang, how could you be so careless, what should I do if the son blames me!"

"Shizifei, you..." Huang's mother originally wanted to say that it was you who broke it, so how could I blame it on me, but she finally remembered that Yunqian was the master, and swallowed those bad words down.

Yun Qian said: "Even though Mama Huang broke the flowerpot, this incident happened because of me. If the prince knows about this, he will have to blame Mama Huang. Mama Huang has taken care of the princess for many years, and there will be troubles even if she doesn't have credit. , How can I let Madam Huang be blamed by the prince. Forget it, I have also learned how to take care of flowers and trees before, and this flower does not seem to have hurt the roots, so it is good, I will take it back and keep it alive, it should be fine."

No matter how resigned was Madam Huang, she hurriedly said: "The old slave can also grow flowers, and the concubine has a noble status. How can I do such rough work? I won't bother the concubine for this matter."

"Is Mama Huang looking down on me like this?" Yun Qian said angrily, "I mean it out of good intentions. I think it's really not easy for Mama Huang to take care of my mother and concubine these years. This potted flower is so delicate. Maybe Mama Huang wants the prince to know Is it you who broke the flower pot that mother concubine loves most?"

Knowing Chu Yuanzhou's temperament, Huang's mother couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but Yun Qian had already grabbed the flower and the black mud in the ground, and strode out.

Seeing that something was wrong, Madam Huang hurriedly said: "Concubine Shizi, this mistake was made by the old slave himself, how dare I bother the concubine Shizi to show favoritism to the old slave, the old slave can take care of the potted flowers by himself."

Yun Qian ignored her, but Huanyu and Shuxiu stopped Mama Huang, Huanyu glanced at Mama Huang and said, "What a noble person the concubine Shizi is, she went to grow flowers in person, that's Mama Huang's big favor." face!"

Shuxiu also said: "The imperial concubine loves flowers the most. She said earlier that this potted flower is very special. Now let the imperial concubine appreciate it for a few days. After the imperial concubine has raised the flowers, she will return them. Alright, the prince won't blame you if you think about it."

After hearing what the two maids said, Mama Huang immediately understood that Yunqian had taken a fancy to the potted flower, and now she used such a method to snatch the flower away, but the potted flower contained too many secrets, and she felt a little uneasy after all, but Shuxiu Having already said so much, she couldn't say anything more, she could only watch Yunqian leave with the flower.

She was still a little uneasy, so she stomped her feet, said a few words to the two rough maids in the room, and strode out, but she didn't see Huanyu standing behind the wall not far away, Watching her walk towards the courtyard to the west.

(End of this chapter)

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