Chapter 712
After Yunqian returned to her room, she put the flower on the table and looked at it with a slight frown, her eyes full of coldness.

Huanyu walked in and said, "Concubine Shizi, everything is as you expected, Mama Huang went to Concubine Lu Side."

Yun Qian nodded slightly and sneered.

Seeing her smile like this, Huanyu asked again: "Concubine Shizi, what do you think mother Huang will do next?"

"What she does next has nothing to do with me." Yun Qian said with a chuckle: "Before I advised the prince not to startle the snake, it was because I didn't know whether the concubine was sick or poisoned, but today I already know The whole story has been explained, so it doesn't matter what Mama Huang will do, what we have to do now is to let Mama Huang show her true colors and let the person behind her not be at peace."

"The imperial concubine has already thought of a way to deal with it?" Huanyu asked curiously.

Yunqian's eyes were full of indifference, and she said unhurriedly, "Now we'll just go to the theater."

"How to watch a play?" Huanyu's eyes were full of excitement.

Yun Qian only smiled lightly, but Shuxiu slapped her hard on the head, and she said angrily, "Why did you hit me?"

"You said that the concubine Shizi had an idea a long time ago, but why do you ask so many questions?" Shuxiu said with a light smile, "You can do whatever the concubine asks you to do. Come up with a better idea?"

Huanyu rubbed her head, and said with a smile, "I definitely can't come up with a good idea, I just want to join in the fun, and I'm just curious. You don't know, I hate those slaves who haven't betrayed their master the most."

The corner of Yunqian's mouth raised slightly, but Huanyu said again: "In my opinion, it's best to dig out the heart of that heartless dog slave, Mama Huang, to see if it's black. The princess has saved her life, and she You can even do something like that!"

Yunqian's eyes deepened. She felt that there were some things that she didn't need to do. After all the things were sorted out, how to punish Huang's mother was Chu Yuanzhou's business, and it didn't have much to do with her. up.

And Chu Yuanzhou respects Princess Chu very much. If Mama Huang did such a thing, according to Chu Yuanzhou's temperament, Mama Huang would definitely end up miserable, but she felt that Mama Huang had no position and deserved to die, but behind the scenes That person is the real damn.

That day, Yunqian waited until evening, but Chu Yuanzhou hadn't come back yet, but he also sent someone to bring the news, saying that the task entrusted to him by the emperor was about to be finished, and he would be back early tomorrow morning.

When Yun Qian heard the news, she felt a little more at ease. Since she knew what she wanted, she also cared about him a little more.Although she knew that there would be no danger in going out to do errands according to his ability, she also knew that in this capital city, danger was lurking all around after all, and she was always worried.

She was about to let Huanyu serve dishes, but Lu Zhu came, she rushed up to meet her and said, "Why does Lu Fangfei have time to come to my place today? Can I have a meal?"

"I haven't eaten yet." Lu Zhu said with a smile: "When I passed by the door just now, I saw that there was still cooking smoke in your room, so I guessed that the concubine Shizi hadn't eaten yet. I heard that the concubine's cook cooks before. The taste is very good, so I came here to have a look, to taste the chef's knuckles of the concubine, I wonder if the concubine would mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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