Chapter 714 Disturbing Your Mind
Yun Qian's words are somewhat thorny. Lu Zhu is different from Yun Qian. She is just a side concubine, and the side concubine speaks nicely, but in the end she is a concubine. Husband-in-law for many years, it is not pleasant to say this in this dynasty, and it is inevitable to be called a vixen.

Lu Zhu could hear the thorn in Yun Qian's words, she couldn't help but glance at Yun Qian, but saw Yun Qian smiling gently, as if there was no other meaning in what I said.

She felt a little unhappy in her heart, but she could only endure it, and still smiled and said: "When I first entered the palace, it was thanks to the concubine for taking care of me. The concubine is very generous, and I have always been very grateful for her kindness. It's just that the gods don't have eyes, and they have made her sick for so many years."

Yun Qian sighed and said, "That's right. Good people suffer a lot, but bad people live well. Although I don't know why my concubine got sick, I feel sorry for her suffering so much."

Lu Zhu's eyes deepened, he looked at Yun Qian and said, "I heard that Princess Shizi has learned medical skills, in your opinion, can Princess Wang's illness be cured well?"

Yun Qian smiled and said: "My medical skills are all learned from books. In the end, they are just talking on paper. When it comes to curing diseases, I am not good at it."

"The concubine should not be modest." Lu Zhu looked at her and said, "I heard that the last time the concubine brought the concubine into the palace, after a few needles for the empress dowager, the empress dowager's legs and feet became much easier. Empress's legs are helpless for many imperial physicians, so this proves that the medical skills of Shi Zifei are probably much better than imperial physicians?"

"Concubine Lu Fang was joking." Yun Qian said with a light smile, "It was a coincidence that I treated the empress dowager's leg that time, I happened to read some symptoms in the book that were exactly the same as the empress dowager's, so I just tried it out. The imperial doctor always seeks to be safe when treating diseases. I dare not treat diseases that are not [-]% sure. I was actually a little worried at the time, but seeing the pain of the empress dowager, so I took the risk to treat it. As for medical skills, I really don’t have much spectrum.”

"The concubine Shizi is still too modest!" Lu Zhu said with a smile: "I don't know how sure the concubine is sick?"

Yunqian sighed softly and said, "I'm not going to lie to Concubine Lu, although I've been going to inject needles for Concubine Mother these days and take her pulse, but I've never seen a disease like Concubine Mother's in books. I am not sure about the diseases that are not recorded in the book. Up to now, I only know that the concubine's body is very weak, and what kind of disease she has, but I don't know at all."

She knew that Lu Zhu came here today just to find out the truth, and she felt a little funny in her heart. Although this Lu Zhu is still calm, the words he came to ask today have too many other meanings.

As for Concubine Chu's condition, she really didn't need to reveal too much, but she felt that Lu Zhu's life was too pleasant, so she was so troublesome, and the matter of Chu Yuanzhou who picked her up again and again, After thinking about it for a while, she decided to find something to do for Lu Zhu, so as not to let Lu Zhu think that she was too easy to bully.

So Yunqian took a look at Lu Zhu and said, "It's just that when I went to give acupuncture to my concubine today, I saw her nails turned black. Looking at the scene, it seemed a bit poisoned."

(End of this chapter)

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