Chapter 715 My heart is like a flower
"Poisoned?" Lu Zhu's eyebrows twitched and he said, "How is it possible?"

"I also don't think it's possible, but I did see it today." Yunqian sighed softly and said, "It's just that when I looked carefully again, the blackness dissipated again, so I'm a little bit sure now .”

Lu Zhu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but wiped away his tears and said: "If the princess is really poisoned, I will definitely cut the person who hurt her into pieces to repay the kindness of the past."

Yunqian felt that these women in the backyard in this era were all masters of house fighting, each of them was very good at pretending to be aggressive, and they all said these words impeccably. She felt that Princess Chu had been ill for a long time, so she often Mom really pointed out Lu Zhuxia's poison, I'm afraid Lu Zhu would have a way to push it away.

She thought more deeply, and felt that this matter must be discussed in the long term.

Yun Qian said softly: "These are just my conjectures. Concubine Luside is so distracted, and God will definitely bless her mother to get better soon. Come, come, eat quickly, don't just talk, the food is all you need." It's cold."

After she finished speaking, she picked up a lot of food for Lu Bi, so Lu Zhu had no choice but to eat the food first, but Lu Zhu had something on his mind after all, at this moment, even though there were delicacies from mountains and seas in front of him, he lost his appetite.

Lu Zhu took a few symbolic mouthfuls and said: "Shi Zifei's cook is really good, this dish is really delicious."

Yun Qian smiled again, and said a few polite words, the two quickly finished their meal, Lu Zhu stood up and saw the pot of ink on the window sill and said: "Hey, isn't this the pot of flowers in the princess's room?" ? How did you come to the Crown Princess?"

After Huanyu and Shuxiu cleaned up the table, Yunqian took a sip of tea and said, "I'm ashamed to say that I was very happy when I saw this potted flower at my concubine's place today, so I picked it up and looked at it. I broke the flowerpot, so I brought it back to raise it, and after raising it, I sent it to my concubine."

"Oh." Lu Zhu's eyes deepened and said: "This potted flower was the princess' favorite before, does the princess know how to grow flowers?"

"I understand a little bit." Yunqian said with a light smile, "When I was free in Yunfu, I would keep a few pots in the yard. I also like orchids very much, so this potted flower should be able to keep alive."

"Oh." Lu Zhu replied lightly again: "I have a very good gardener who knows how to grow flowers best. If the princess doesn't dislike it, let my gardener grow this pot of flowers for the princess. , I don't know what the princess wants?"

"I appreciate the kindness of Concubine Luside." Yun Qian politely refused, "The thing about raising orchids is the sincerity, and I broke this potted flower. Naturally, I have to raise it. If someone else does it, I'm afraid that the flowers won't feel sincerity, and it will be bad when the time comes, if there is something wrong with this potted flower, the prince will probably annoy me in the future."

"The concubine Shizi doesn't believe me when she says that?" Lu Zhu's eyes darkened a bit.

Yun Qian hurriedly said: "Concubine Lu side is serious. I don't mean that. I just think that I can support this potted flower, so I won't bother Concubine Lu side."

When she got to this point, Lu Zhu couldn't say anything more, so he could only say slowly, "Shizi Concubine is really filial."

Yun Qian heard her say filial piety several times in a row, and felt funny in her heart, but she remained calm, and wanted to see what else Lu Zhu could say.
The girls seem to have misunderstood me. When I said yesterday that the couple will consummate the marriage after one day, I meant that there will be an update in the middle, and the marriage will be officially consummated tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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