Chapter 716
After Lu Zhu finished speaking, she took a look at the potted flower again, but saw that the leaves of the potted flower were green and did not wither at all due to changing the soil. Once she saw this situation, she knew that it was even worse. Yun Qian took the flowers away here.

Yun Qian asked Shuxiu to make another pot of tea for Lu Zhu, but Lu Zhu said with a smile: "I heard that the concubine Shi Zi is good at making tea. I wonder if I am lucky enough to drink a cup of tea made by the concubine Shi Zi herself today?"

Yun Qian's eyes darkened slightly, but she smiled and said, "If Concubine Lu doesn't dislike it, I'll make a fool of myself."

Making tea is not difficult for her, she knows what Lu Zhu is thinking, and she really wants to watch Lu Zhu's play.

Lu Zhu smiled slightly, but Yun Qian ordered Shuxiu to bring boiling water, take out the tea set, and then make tea after warming the cup. Her craftsmanship is extremely high. excellent.

Lu Zhu saw the color of the tea soup, smelled the fragrance of the tea, took a sip of the tea and said, "Shi Zifei's skill in making tea is truly amazing."

After she finished speaking, she unconsciously glanced at the potted flower.

Naturally, her eyes could not escape Yun Qian's eyes, Yun Qian pretended to be nonchalant and said: "If Lu Side Concubine likes, you can come here anytime, and I will make tea for Lu Side Concubine."

Lu Zhu smiled slightly, and the two chatted for a while, Lu Zhu drank a lot of tea, Yun Qian made the tea so that it didn't taste too much, Lu Zhu didn't intend to leave yet.

Yun Qian knew what Lu Zhu was thinking, but she didn't say anything. She hurriedly asked Shuxiu to get some tea. After making another cup of tea, Lu Zhu took another look at the pot of ink orchids on the window sill. It was too late to stay any longer, so he said a few polite words to Yun Qian, and then Shi Shi ran out.

It's just that when she walked to the side of the potted flower, she finally couldn't help but glanced at it again, her eyes were puzzled, but she couldn't say anything more. Seeing Yun Qian's eyes looking over, she hurriedly chuckled and said: " This potted flower, Shi Zifei, is really well maintained, Shi Zifei is very familiar with how to grow flowers."

Yun Qian smiled, and didn't say much, but personally sent Lu Zhu to the door. Lu Bi saw that the attendants outside Yun Qian's house were all flawed men, so he asked with a smile: "The concubine Shizi likes to use men very much. Waiter?"

"That's not true." Yun Qian said lightly: "I was joking with the prince that day, saying that there should not be too many maids in the room, lest something will happen to the prince in the future. The ring maids were all changed, and I don’t know where he got these people. Later, he said to me, if I don’t let her use the maids, then the servants in the house can’t grow too well, so I just got these people here, but fortunately, these people are still easy to use."

What she said was not telling the truth. Chu Yuanzhou didn’t know where to get these strange things. They don’t look good, but they are really easy to use. The average squire is much smarter.

So Yun Qian kept guessing that these people were probably not ordinary people, but Chu Yuanzhou's cronies. These people were probably all from the battlefield, and they were all very alert.

The most important thing is that with these people guarding her room, her room becomes an iron wall, and no one can enter without her and Chu Yuanzhou's permission.Moreover, these people are Yueyin given by Chu Yuanzhou, and anyone who wants to inquire about her on weekdays has no way to start.

(End of this chapter)

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