Chapter 717
Because after thinking through this level of things, Yunqian understood Chu Yuanzhou's good intentions. He simply took the opportunity to put someone by her side. In this way, when he was not by her side, the place would be incomparable. Safety.

Lu Zhu also had the idea of ​​coming here before, before Yunqian entered the door, she had already prepared a group of people, intending to stuff them here, but Chu Yuanzhou completely rejected her if she didn't want to.

Chu Yuanzhou didn’t even give the King of Chu face, so how could he give Lu Zhu’s face? It was standing in front of Chu Yuanzhou.

At that time, Lu Zhu spent a lot of time thinking about the matter of the Cypriots, but Chu Yuanzhou was a stickler, so Lu Zhu had nothing to do.

Lu Zhu was very annoyed by this matter in his heart, but he couldn't express it too clearly, so he smiled lightly and said: "The son really has a heart for the imperial concubine."

Yun Qian smiled embarrassedly: "The prince is indeed very kind to me."

There was a chill in Lu Zhu's eyes, but he said with a smile on his face: "The concubine Shi Zi stayed behind, and I'm asking for trouble today."

Yun Qian nodded her head slightly. After Lu Zhu left, Yun Qian returned to the room with a chill in her eyes. She glanced at the potted flower, her eyes deepened.

Huanyu pursed her lips and said, "She's really thick-skinned. The Imperial Concubine and her don't have any friendship on weekdays, but today she came here to eat and asked the Imperial Concubine to make tea for her. She really took herself seriously."

Yun Qian didn't speak, Shuxiu was careful, and asked: "Concubine Shizi, what's the matter? Is there something wrong? I just saw Concubine Lu side looking at this pot of flowers while drinking tea."

Yun Qian said lightly: "There is nothing wrong with it, but this potted flower is most afraid of the bitter taste of tea. If it encounters this taste, it will easily wither. It is fake that she came to drink tea. She wants to drink tea. It's true that the potted flowers are withered. The flowers haven't withered today, so I'm afraid she will have to go back and think about it for a while."

Shuxiu and Huanyu were a little surprised when they heard the words. It was the first time they heard such a thing, and there was curiosity in their eyes.

Yun Qian didn't explain much. When she checked the information earlier, she naturally understood all the habits of this potted flower, so when Lu Zhuyi said to make tea, her heart was like a mirror, but she didn't. Just say it.

But before she made tea just now, she had asked Shuxiu to bring out a pot of oil from the kitchen and pour it on the flowers, so that the tea smell could be isolated, so that the flowers could not smell the bitterness of the tea, so the flowers were It's fine.

It's just that the light in the room is not too strong. When Yunqian asked Shuxiu to water the flowers, Lu Zhu didn't see it.

On the second day, Yunqian was still sleeping and felt that there was someone in front of the bed. She woke up with a quick wit, but saw that it was Chu Yuanzhou sitting there and smiling at her. She saw that his chin had grown densely. Bearded, with some bloodshot eyes, he hurriedly asked Shuxiu to fetch water for him to wash his face.

He smiled and saw her get up and bustle around the house, then smiled and said: "Qianqian, you know? I feel very at ease when I see you."

Yun Qian smiled and said, "I really didn't know I had this ability."

"Actually, I'm a little afraid that you will secretly go to see Ah Yi while I'm not around these few days." Chu Yuanzhou blinked and said.

He spoke easily, but his heart was a little nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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