Chapter 741 Who Is More Vicious
Yunqian said lightly: "I really don't know about the past, but in my opinion, breaking a pot of flowers has nothing to do with the fact that endangering the life of my mother and concubine."

Lu Zhu sighed lightly and said: "The Concubine Shizi is young and can't bear the responsibility, so it's too much to shirk responsibility at this time, could it be that Yunxiang taught you like this when you were in Yunfu? "

Her words were full of thorns, pointing directly at Yun Qian's tutor and her character.

The anger in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes grew stronger. When he came here today, after hearing those words just now, he understood in his heart that these people deliberately used his mother and concubine's affairs to make a fuss, just to deal with cloud shallow.

In his opinion, there are two women in this world that no one can touch. One is his mother and concubine, and the other is Yun Qian. Today, these people have made up their minds, and he can't allow it .

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes slanted and said: "I don't need to worry about shallow family education. My concubine mother is not dead yet, and you are just a concubine. You can teach your servants in the yard on weekdays. Forget it, Qianqian is not your turn to teach."

His words blocked Lu Zhu very much, and the name of side concubine has always been a thorn in Lu Zhu's heart.

Lu Zhu wiped away his tears and said, "My lord, what do you think about this matter!"

She also felt a little strange in her heart. She always felt that the King of Chu today was a little colder than usual, and there was something wrong standing there. She followed the King of Chu's gaze, but saw that his gaze was falling on Chu For the princess, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Princess Chu's appearance looks no different from that of a dead person at this time, and she is indeed not far from death, Lu Zhu's heart feels a little more at ease.

The King of Chu glanced at Yunqian and said coldly to Chu Yuanzhou: "I said earlier that the women in the Yunfu are too vicious to marry in, but you didn't listen to me at all, and now you regret it." Woolen cloth?"

His words have already condemned Yun Qian, and put a vicious accusation on Yun Qian's head, that is to say that Yun Qian's smashing of the flower pot was not careless at all, but deliberate .

Yun Qian didn't have a good impression of the King of Chu at first, but when she heard the words of the King of Chu, she directly classified him as a scumbag, and she sympathized with Chu Yuanzhou from the bottom of her heart. Nor will he do things like the King of Chu.

When Su Qiaohui was ill earlier, Yun Jingyan went to see her twice, but Princess Chu has been ill for so many years, but the King of Chu didn't pay attention to it once. A man treats his first wife like this, and treats others It's not much better if you think about it.

So Yunqian felt a little sad for Princess Chu at this time, but she just regarded the conclusion of King Chu as farting.

It's just that King Chu's fart is obviously a bit big, and she needs to respond.

So Yun Qian said indifferently: "Father has not found out the truth of the matter, and convicted me of such a crime, is it too arbitrary?"

What Yunqian thought was basically not much different from what Chu Yuanzhou thought. He had accumulated hatred for the King of Chu for many years. He said coldly: "No matter how poisonous Qianqian is, she is not as poisonous as my father."

His eyes were calm and calm, his face was full of coldness, his handsome face was full of disdain at this moment, his eyes were full of murderous aura.

(End of this chapter)

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