Chapter 742
Chu Yuanzhou's short sentence choked the King of Chu, who said angrily: "I think you are obsessed with sex, what's so good about Yun Qian, it's worth your protecting her like this? She didn't want to harm her this time. Those irrelevant idiots in the Yunfu are here to harm your concubine mother, yet you still protect her like this, Chu Yuanzhou, where are all your intelligence and talents going?"

Yunqian was quite curious when she heard what the King of Chu said. How did the King of Chu know about her affairs in Yunfu?

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes became colder by a third, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "This is my business, so I don't need to worry about my father. The concubine's condition is recurring at this time. I think someone has tampered with it. It has nothing to do with Qianqian."

King Chu's eyes widened, but Chu Yuanzhou said unhurriedly: "I'm still obsessed with sex, I just like Qianqian, and I just don't believe that she will harm my concubine!"

What he said was a bit rude, but it was full of his past behavior style.

The King of Chu was furious and said: "You unworthy son, you even killed your own mother and concubine for a woman!"

"It's not Qianqian who made my concubine like this, but you!" Chu Yuanzhou pointed at King Chu's nose and said, "When my concubine was seriously ill, I asked you for a thousand-year-old ginseng to renew my concubine. Even if you don't allow me, today you have the nerve to come to see Concubine Mu, and to criticize Qianqian?"

The King of Chu suddenly became dumb, his face turned purple with anger, but he turned his face to the side, and then said in a slightly lower voice, "I told you earlier, that thousand-year-old ginseng..."

But he couldn't say the latter words, Chu Yuanzhou sneered and said: "Before I came to beg you, you gave the thousand-year-old ginseng to the concubine Luside as a beauty treat, so the life of the concubine mother is incomparable in your heart." The appearance of Concubine Luside."

The King of Chu's expression was a little unnatural, and Yun Qian felt that people in this world were not the most scumbags, only more scumbags, one by one.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "I am the son of the father, so I also got the true biography of the father, and I like women more than my mother and concubine."

Yunqian knew that what Chu Yuanzhou said was a lie, but she sympathized with Princess Chu for no reason.

The king of Chu said angrily: "Don't bring your inconsequential things with this king, someone is here, and I will take the concubine down to serve the family law!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a few thick women came to pull Yunqian, Chu Yuanzhou raised his feet, and kicked them all away one by one.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhu and Mrs. Huang exchanged glances, and Mrs. Huang cried immediately: "It is reasonable for the son to love the concubine, but if he ignores the concubine for the sake of the concubine, the old slave will be fine." I'm desperately trying to get justice for the princess!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she rushed towards Yunqian. When Yunqian saw her, the coldness in her eyes had already become a little heavier. Chu Yuanzhou wanted to lift his foot again, but Yunqian punched him With a wink, he raised his eyebrows slightly, then retracted his feet.

In fact, according to the tacit understanding between Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou when they came here, Chu Yuanzhou should have blamed her a few words at this time, so that the play can be sung better.

It's just that as long as the wise and powerful Shizi meets the outstanding King Chu, it is difficult to control his temper. Yun Qian is actually a little anxious to carry out his previous dissenting tunes to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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