Chapter 743
Yunqian originally planned to pull out the black hand behind the scenes. After Chu Yuanzhou and the King of Chu sang against each other, she faintly felt that it would not be easy to pull out the black hand behind the scenes today.

So Yun Qian turned her body slightly to one side when Mother Huang rushed over. Although her body didn't have much strength, she was still sensitive. She was quite sure when encountering this kind of one-on-one fight.

When she turned sideways, her feet twitched and moved slightly, and Mama Huang fell headfirst to the ground when she was caught off guard.

Yun Qian said lightly: "No matter how bad I am, I am still a concubine, and it is not your turn to teach me a lesson. I think you are used to domineering here on weekdays, so that you really regard yourself as the master."

After falling to the ground, Mama Huang cried loudly: "Master, I have served the princess wholeheartedly for so many years, and I have devoted myself to the princess. I don't care who it is, as long as anyone dares to hurt the princess, I will fight her hard. Today, I will fight my old life." , and we must not let the murderer who killed the princess go unpunished!"

Yunqian felt that what she said was quite upright, but unfortunately, she felt that Mama Huang used the wrong person.

Yunqian sneered and said, "Mama Huang is so loyal to the princess, I feel very moved even when I'm watching."

Lu Zhu said coldly: "Mother Huang, what do you look like! The prince is still here!"

Huang's mother suddenly came back to her senses, looked at King Chu and said, "My lord, this old slave asks my lord to uphold justice for my concubine!"

King Chu's complexion is already very ugly. Although he doesn't stick to etiquette, he also thinks it's a bit too much for a slave and a master to fight in front of him like this. It's just that he has always disliked Yun Qian, and he always feels that what happened today He couldn't get rid of Yunqian, if it wasn't for Chu Yuanzhou's protection, he would have asked someone to take Yunqian out again.

Yun Qian glanced at Huang's mother and said: "Huang's mother is right. The mother and concubine's justice really needs someone to preside over it. The father is here today. I have something I want to ask the father to see."

The King of Chu felt a little strange, Yunqian still had something to show him at this time, he said coldly: "Don't think that you will be lawless with the support of your son today, this king can tell you clearly, I The Chu Palace is not the Yun Palace, so you can't mess around!"

"I didn't even think about getting the blessing of my son today, because I always think that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil." Yun Qian looked at King Chu and said.

The King of Chu sneered and said: "These words sound ridiculous from your mouth. When you killed people in Baolai Temple, did you ever experience the event that good and evil will be rewarded?"

After Yun Qian heard the words, she understood why the king of Chu disliked her. She thought that the king of Chu knew about her killing mother Liu in Baolai Temple.It's just that she didn't think she was at fault for that matter. She has always been a decisive character and also a vengeful one. If anyone wants her life, she will usually take someone else's life.

She said indifferently: "Today, both the lord and concubine on the side of the road thought that I smashed the flower pot of the wangfei on purpose. I just wanted to harm the wangfei. If I wanted to say today, yes, the pot of ink flowers was indeed mine. Smashed on purpose, but..."

"My lord, did you hear that?" Madam Huang cried and interrupted Yun Qian, "The flower pot was indeed broken by the princess!"

(End of this chapter)

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