Chapter 747
Lu Zhu thought about Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou's visit to Chu Palace before their wedding, and then remembered some rumors about Yunqian, and she felt that this matter could not be delayed any longer, and she needed to take faster actions to resolve this matter. One thing, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Lu Zhu was worried that Yunqian would see through the poison of Ghost Face Youhe, and hated Princess Chu in her heart, so she didn't show any mercy when she attacked. She knew that as long as Princess Chu died, she would follow Chu Yuanzhou's filial piety to Princess Chu Jin, no matter how deep Chu Yuanzhou's feelings for Yunqian are, I'm afraid that Yunqian will not have a good life in the future, and he may have to be abandoned by Chu Yuanzhou.

Lu Zhu wasn't originally intolerable for Yunqian, but because she heard the king of Chu mention Yunqian's decisiveness in Baolai Temple in front of her, she secretly felt that marrying Yunqian into the mansion of the king of Chu would bring her happiness. Come to some trouble.

The first big trouble is that in the future, Yun Qian will help Chu Yuanzhou in the palace, and her and Chu Tianyou's status in the Chu palace will be even more precarious.

The second big trouble is that she is still in the hands of the Zhongfu in the palace, and she is just a side concubine with a bad name. Although she has been in charge of the Zhongfu in the Wangfu for many years, Yun Qian is a majestic son. Concubine, according to the previous rules, even if Concubine Chu is good, I am afraid that she will have to hand over the power in her hands in a few years, let alone she is only a side concubine.

Thinking about all kinds of things, Lu Zhu felt even more that he should attack Yun Qian in a timely manner, and such an attack should not be too obvious.

She thought about it, and with the fact that Yunqian broke the flowerpot this time, she felt that the most appropriate way to deal with Yunqian was to start with Princess Chu.

In this way, she not only got rid of Princess Chu, whom she regarded as a thorn in the side, but also got rid of Yun Qian, which is really a beautiful thing that kills two birds with one stone.

It's just that after hearing Yun Qian's words, she faintly felt something was wrong, I'm afraid she still underestimated Yun Qian.

Lu Zhu was a little worried and said: "Since the concubine Shizi knows how to use poison and also learns medical skills, I wonder if the concubine can still be saved in your opinion?"

"Before talking about this matter, I have a few things I want to ask Concubine Lu Side for advice." Yun Qian said very politely.

Lu Zhu felt a chill in her heart when she heard this, she looked at Yun Qian and said, "Your concubine Shizi is polite, just ask if you have anything, I will definitely answer everything."

Yun Qian tilted her head slightly and said, "I heard that Madam Huang often runs to the Concubine Luside when she has nothing to do. I don't know if that's the case?"

The question she asked had nothing to do with the whole matter, it was completely out of Lu Zhu's expectation, but she felt that although Yun Qian's question was a bit weird, it must have something to do with this matter, so she said : "Mama Huang will indeed come to me when she is free. Sometimes I will invite Mama Huang to ask about the condition of the princess. What's the matter? Is there anything wrong with this?"

Huang's mother was standing beside Lu Zhu, and after hearing Lu Zhu's words, she also asked Yun Qian: "The question about the concubine Shizi is so weird, and this old slave is loyal to the princess."

Yunqian heard that Mama Huang was still saying such expressive words at this time, and felt that she was really uncommonly calm, but the last sentence was already suspected of 300 taels of silver here, and these were exactly what she wanted. desired effect.

Yun Qian said softly: "Oh, then may I ask Concubine Lu Side, how many times have you been here to see Concubine Mother in person?"

(End of this chapter)

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