Chapter 748
Yun Qian's question immediately choked Lu Zhu. She didn't expect Yun Qian to ask this question so quietly. Her previous sentence showed that she cared about Princess Chu very much, and would spread the word from time to time. Ms. Huang went to her room to ask Princess Chu's recent situation. If she replied that she had never visited Princess Chu since she fell ill, except for a few times before pretending to visit Princess Chu, there would inevitably be some It makes people think about it.

And she had never been here, because the King of Chu didn't come, so she didn't think it was necessary to act like that.

After she coughed lightly, she had no choice but to say out of conscience: "I come to see the princess from time to time, what's the matter? Is there anything wrong with this?"

Before Yun Qian answered, she sighed and said, "Although I don't come to see the princess very many times, I won't be as rude as when the princess came here, and even smashed the pot of ink orchids." gone."

Yun Qian smiled and said: "I asked the two maidservants who served the princess yesterday. Since the princess fell ill, this is the first time that Concubine Luside has come here. If there is nothing wrong with the concubine, I would like to come here." Concubine Luside won't come yet!"

Lu Zhu's expression changed when he heard the words. He didn't expect Yun Qian to speak like this. If he called the two rough maids in for questioning, he would inevitably reveal his true colors, but if he just admitted it like this, he might still make Chu Wang felt a little unhappy in his heart.

She glanced at Mama Huang and said, "Mama Huang has been in charge of the affairs of the concubine's yard all these years, why can't she even manage the two rough maids? Mama Huang knows very well how often I come to see the concubine."

When she said this, her eyes turned slightly: "And I don't often come to see the princess, what does it have to do with the princess's illness? Could it be that the princess is trying to confuse the public today in order to get rid of the crime?"

King Chu frowned slightly when he heard the conversation between the two. Before Princess Chu fell ill, Lu Zhu was very attentive to Princess Chu. If she never came to see her later, she would have overdone it.And he remembered that he himself hadn't seen Princess Chu for many years, and he felt a little guilty for a while.

Anyway, he and Concubine Chu are also a married couple. When this matter spreads, others say that his flirtatiousness is a trivial matter, which may only make Chu Yuanzhou annoy him even more.

So the King of Chu was slightly annoyed and said, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Huang's mother has already made a proof for Lu Zhu: "The concubine, don't listen to the nonsense of those two maidservants. Concubine Lu is the kindest person in the world. Since the concubine fell ill, she often came to see the concubine. .”

"Oh, so it seems that my news is wrong." Yunqian's eyes were three points cold, but there was a smile at the corner of her eyes, coupled with her slightly cold face, it seemed It was a bit colder, however.

"However, I also have some things that I want to show Mama Huang. The father, concubine Lu and the son are all here today, so I just let them take a good look." Yun Qian's eyes fell from Mama Huang's body, It gave Huang's mother a deep chill in her heart.

Yun Qian just clapped her hands unhurriedly, and Huanyu dragged out a large basket of clothes from the house, all of which were covered with thick and black concoction, because of the hot tide, those things had already disappeared. After leaving it for a while, when it was dragged out like this, a musty smell suddenly hit.

(End of this chapter)

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