Chapter 761
Lu Zhu wanted to refuse, but Chu Yuanzhou said nonchalantly: "Didn't Concubine Lu say that she has the deepest relationship with my mother and concubine, that she loves sisters? Why, sisters Qingtong are not willing to fry for my mother and concubine in the middle of the night. medicine?"

Lu Zhu felt like he was shooting himself in the foot with a rock, so he could only force a smile and said, "I should do some small things."

Chu Yuanzhou crossed his arms around his chest and looked at Lu Zhu coldly. Lu Zhu had no choice but to walk down with the medicine bowl, but her clothes were soaked by the medicine, so she planned to change clothes first.

Chu Yuanzhou said unhurriedly: "Concubine Luside is very similar to my concubine mother. Although she is not as thin as my concubine mother, she is also slender. You can wear my concubine's clothes if you want. At this time It's late at night, and the courtyard you live in is a little far away from my concubine's mother. It takes a lot of time to go back and forth, but the concubine's medicine can't be delayed at all. Didn't you say you want to befriend my concubine? It's profound, I think Concubine Mu would be willing to lend her clothes to Concubine Luside to wear when she wakes up."

He understood what he meant, so Lu Zhu had no choice but to go back to Princess Chu's room to find clothes.

I don’t want to think that she and Mama Huang both wanted to kill Princess Chu earlier, so after Mama Huang stained Princess Chu’s clothes when feeding medicine, she never washed them, and they all piled up behind her. Today, Princess Chu The clothes she was wearing were the last ones, and there was no change of clothes in the room.

Lu Zhu scolded Madam Huang and Chu Yuanzhou in his heart, but he couldn't get angry. He found that Princess Chu's clothes were all dirty, so he had no choice but to go directly to the kitchen to stew medicine.

She managed to stew the medicine well, and when she came in with the medicine, she saw Chu Yuanzhou had returned to her room, so she planned to wait for the medicine to cool down before feeding Princess Chu to take the medicine. When she went, she felt her body falling rapidly. She was shocked, and when she came back to her senses, she had already fallen headfirst to the ground.

Lu Zhu was stunned, but found that the table she was lying on just now had moved a bit, Chu Yuanzhou had already taken the table away, and she fell off the table.

And the bowl of medicine that she had finally cooked had also been knocked to the ground.

Chu Yuanzhou snorted coldly and said, "Is this how Concubine Lu Fang serves my concubine mother?"

Lu Zhu gritted his teeth and said, "The medicine is too hot. I'll let it cool for a while before serving it to the princess. Why did your son spill the medicine at this time?"

"The medicine is already cold, do you think I can still drink it for my concubine?" Chu Yuanzhou narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I just told concubine Lu that my concubine can't drink cold medicine. The concubine doesn't seem to take it to heart."

His voice was cold, and his eyes were cold.

Lu Zhu squinted at a bowl of medicine that had been spilled on the ground, and it was still steaming. She thought that Chu Yuanzhou had come when she lay down and fell asleep. She knew that Chu Yuanzhou was deliberately torturing her, but Chu Yuanzhou Zhou held a letter of reason, and let someone guard this room again tonight. She was afraid that she would not be able to get out, so she had to endure all this, and she had to go back to decoct the medicine.

Chu Yuanzhou said coolly behind her: "Concubine Lu Fang go fry it quickly, otherwise it will be bad after a while."

Lu Zhu thinks that she is considered wise in her life, she has never experienced such a thing, nor suffered such a loss, but this time she can only swallow it, otherwise, according to Chu Yuanzhou's personality, I am afraid she will not Let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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