Chapter 762
Lu Zhu felt aggrieved but he couldn't let it go, he sucked his nose lightly and walked quickly to the kitchen.

At this time, the whole room was full of Chu Yuanzhou's people, and no one would come to help her. After frying the medicine in a daze, she learned her lesson this time and went directly to feed Princess Chu, her spoon When he was about to touch Princess Chu, he stretched out his hands and waved them, and the bowl of boiling medicine spilled all over her body again.

She turned her head to look at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Could it be that the son wants to entertain me tonight?"

"Pastime you?" Chu Yuanzhou said lightly: "You are my father's favorite concubine, I don't have the guts, but today Luside concubine came to take care of my mother and concubine according to my father's will, and said that she would treat my mother and concubine I love my sisters, so I think you will take care of my mother and concubine very seriously, and this is just teaching you how to serve others."

Lu Zhu was so angry that his eyes popped out, Chu Yuanzhou sneered and said: "Although Concubine Lu Fang is beautiful, but she was my elder in the past, and I have no interest in you at all. If the father is here, maybe I feel a little distressed, but Seeing you like this this time, I just feel a little happy."

Lu Zhu trembled with anger when he heard the words, and Chu Yuanzhou said unhurriedly: "There is still half an hour before taking the medicine, please, Concubine Lu!"

"I'm not frying anymore!" Even though Lu Zhu had a good temper on weekdays and knew how to pretend, he was a little bit broken at this moment.

"I'm afraid this matter can't be done by Concubine Lu." Chu Yuanzhou said lightly: "Maybe I should go to my father to wake him up at this time, and tell him that Concubine Lu is not willing to cook medicine for my mother and concubine. I don't know if it's true or not that the concubine is crying like that in front of the bed? If it's true, it's quite thought-provoking to be so impatient, but if it's false..."

He glanced at Lu Zhu lightly and said: "If such things are all false, I don't know how many things about Concubine Lu Side are true, and I think the father will be somewhat interested in this matter. "

Lu Zhu knew that the king of Chu loved his son Chu Yuanzhou to the extreme, and Chu Yuanzhou could do anything, no matter how much she hated her in her heart, she could not show any excessive behavior on the surface.

So Lu Zhu stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears, and then said slowly: "I'm going to decoct the medicine now."

She felt that today was really bad luck, so she agreed to the king of Chu to take care of Princess Chu, but at this time, there was no room to turn around.

Chu Yuanzhou snorted coldly, but didn't speak, he felt a little relieved, but recalled the sufferings that Princess Chu had suffered in these years, and he felt a little distressed in his heart, thinking that what happened tonight was just the beginning.

After Lu Zhu finished decocting the medicine this time, Chu Yuanzhou came in time, reached out to take the spoon, and put the medicine bowl on Lu Zhu's hand like feeding medicine in the afternoon. Lu Zhu's hand was already burnt. It was so hot that Lu Zhu's hands trembled, and he almost didn't sprinkle the medicine again. Fortunately, seeing what he suffered tonight, he knew that Chu Yuanzhou would not let her go easily, so he could only endure it.

Chu Yuanzhou took a look at her, calmly blew the medicine to make it a little colder, and then fed it into Princess Chu's mouth.

After feeding the medicine, Chu Yuanzhou asked Lu Zhu to fetch hot water to wipe Princess Chu’s body. The reason was very good, that is, Princess Chu was sweating after drinking the medicine just now. Princess Chu’s body was very weak. Wipe it off and let in some cold air, it will be very bad for Princess Chu's body.

(End of this chapter)

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