Chapter 766 Extremely Poisonous
Lu Zhu heard the words and said softly: "The princess is at peace of mind to recover from her illness. I have been by the prince's side all these years. If the prince has me to take care of him, he will naturally take care of him properly. I don't need the princess to worry about it."

Her eyes were raised slightly, but there was a hint of provocation, and there seemed to be a hint of disdain and a touch of pride in her eyes.

It's just that she looked a little embarrassed at this time, and her expression at this time seemed a little artificial and out of place.

"It's so good, there will be Concubine Laolu." Princess Chu said indifferently, there was no displeasure in her eyes.

Lu Zhu's heart felt even worse, her nails had been dug into her flesh, she still said calmly: "Princess is ill, these things are what I should do."

Concubine Chu nodded lightly and said: "Well, although you have only been a side concubine these years, you have been doing the work of the main concubine, and you really have to work hard. After I recover from my illness, I dare not bother you anymore."

Lu Zhu's face turned pale immediately when she heard this, Princess Chu's words were simple, but she had already told her clearly that everything she possessed these years was only Princess Chu's, and Princess Chu had woken up, so she should take it all back .

Lu Zhu said in a low voice: "Wangfei doesn't have to worry about the affairs of the palace. With me here, I will handle it properly."

Princess Chu replied lightly, "You took care of me here for a long time last night, and I thought you were a little tired. Go back to your room and rest!"

Lu Zhu responded and backed away, Chu Yuanzhou said softly: "Mother, you are so kind, I want to treat her again, but you let her go, I still have dozens of This method is useless!"

Princess Chu blinked her eyes lightly and said: "I saw her eyes hurting, she was shaking and shaking in front of me, making me dizzy, it's better to send her away earlier, after what she said just now, she is afraid Is it difficult to sleep peacefully, and this kind of mental torture is not more enjoyable than your physical torture to her?"

Chu Yuanzhou suddenly realized: "Mother and concubine are still smart!"

Seeing the interaction between Princess Chu and Lu Zhu, Yun Qian also found it very interesting. Such Princess Chu is undoubtedly a shrewd person. How could such a woman fall for Lu Zhu's way in the first place?She said she was a little confused.

Concubine Chu woke up for the first time, she was a little tired after talking for a while, and fell asleep again after drinking a bowl of porridge before sitting on the bed.

Chu Yuanzhou walked to Yunqian's side and said, "Qianqian, you have worked hard these days."

Yun Qian just smiled lightly, but Chu Yuanzhou asked again: "The concubine mother seems to know everything that happens around her."

"Yeah." Yunqian replied: "Although my concubine has been in a coma these years, in fact she knows very well in her heart that although Ghost Face Youhe is very poisonous, Lu Zhu has never used that poison to pay her concubine. It is to make her suffer here alive. It’s just that the medicine I have given to my concubine these days is to strengthen her foundation and strengthen her body, so that her body can recover a little bit. Otherwise, waking up like this tonight is probably saying speechless."

She feels that it is really a tormenting thing for a person to lie on the bed for many years without being able to move. If the mind is not firm enough, she may have searched for countless times to die in her heart, but she will not move. , unable to speak, there is no way to seek death.

Such a method of harming people is really extremely poisonous.

(End of this chapter)

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