Chapter 767 His Prayer
Chu Yuanzhou remembered the sufferings Princess Chu had suffered over the years, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Lu Zhu is too poisonous, to torture the concubine mother like this, but I should thank her at this time, if she hadn't been malicious, I'm afraid Concubine Mu has already been poisoned to death by her, and there is absolutely no such thing as waking up today."

Yun Qian thought about it and felt that this matter was really due to Lu Zhu being a vicious person. It was just how much Lu Zhu hated Princess Chu that he came up with such a vicious way to torture Princess Chu?

When Yun Qian thought of Lu Zhu's vicious thoughts, she shook her head subconsciously, but after thinking about it again, she could understand that in such a wealthy compound as the Wangfu, the King of Chu had so many concubines. For the sake of status, these women probably sharpened their heads and climbed up.

She also understands why Lu Zhu is so eager to attack her. She once called Aunt Zhang to her yard. Aunt Zhang may not belong to Lu Zhu, but the movements in the entire palace should be in Lu Zhu's house. In the grasp of bamboo.

When she thought about this, her thoughts became deeper, and she felt that Lu Zhu could not be allowed to be so arrogant anymore. The only way to let her be arrogant was to take away Lu Zhu's power of mediation. Before, she felt that the fact of mediation was boring, tiring and exhausting Torturing people, I didn't expect that now she would have to hit Feed's idea.

It's just that she thinks that she is not diligent in certain things, and she is not willing to pick the leader of the leader. It is a good thing that Princess Chu wakes up now.

Because of this consideration, she also felt that the matter of giving back should not be too hasty, and haste makes waste.

She said softly: "Yuanzhou don't have to worry, it will get better and better in the future, those people with ulterior motives, we just need to know in our hearts, it will be just in the future, there is always a chance to deal with them."

Chu Yuanzhou smiled lightly, but there was a look of sadness in his eyes, Yunqian asked, "What's the matter? Is there anything wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Chu Yuanzhou sighed softly and said, "I'm just a little regretful, why didn't I get to know you earlier, marry you into the palace earlier, and save my mother from suffering for a few years gone."

Yun Qian smiled when she heard the words, blinked at him and said: "A few years ago may not be really good, and I was not me before."

Hearing the words, Chu Yuanzhou hugged her tightly, kissed the hair on her forehead lightly, and then said softly: "So from now on, I want three sticks of incense every day to thank God for sending you to me. By my side, on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, some tributes will be served to honor God.”

Yun Qian laughed when she heard the words. She felt that only Chu Yuanzhou could think of such a thing in the world, but she thought that he might not be able to do such a thing, but that night, she saw Chu Yuanzhou kneeling respectfully. Before the courtyard, burn incense to God.

She felt that Chu Yuanzhou was definitely a one-in-a-kind talent, and others would have to get a tablet or something to pay tribute to the Quanshen of Heaven and Earth, but he was lucky enough to pay respects to the sky directly.

She frowned slightly, and when passing by his side, she faintly heard him saying to God: "I am in love with Qianqian, thank you for the good marriage sent by God, but I also ask God to raise your hand and make Qianqian Once it’s delivered, let her stay by my side forever. Don’t do things with no cause or effect. Don’t let her go back after only staying in this world for a few years. From now on, I will burn incense to you old man every day. , don’t worry about it, you old man.”

(End of this chapter)

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