Chapter 780 A Kindness

Mo Chou said indifferently: "Miss is right. I'm just an aunt. I didn't have any aggressive aura at first. It's just that my wife trained me well back then. I've been with my wife for a long time, so I naturally learned a little bit from her." What did the young lady say just now? She said that I have the demeanor of being a housewife, well, that is because my wife has trained her properly, and I can still catch the young lady's eyes."

Yun Qian heard the conversation between Mo Chou and Yun Yan, and felt that Mo Chou was much more sharp than before, and not as weak as before, which was a good thing for Mo Chou after all.

Yun Yan was very blocked by Mo Chou's words, she gave Mo Chou a hard look and said, "Now that you have gained power, there is nothing to be proud of. After all, you are just a maid."

"I was born as a maid. Fortunately, my wife was kind and raised me well." Mo Chou said plainly.

Yun Yan was very angry when she heard the words, but Mo Chou said unhurriedly: "Originally tomorrow is the wedding day of Missy, I planned to say auspicious words to Missy, but I didn't expect Missy Suspicious of me, I will not say good things today, after the doctor and the master come, I will ask the master to comment."

While talking, he saw Chu Yuanzhou and Yun Jingyan walking in together, followed by the doctor who had just left.

As soon as Yun Jingyan came in, he said, "Madam, is there something wrong?"

Yun Yan was about to speak, but Mo Chou was already weeping softly and said: "Master, let the doctor show the wife first, otherwise, if the wife makes any mistakes, Shi Zifei and I will not be able to clean up even if we jump into the Yellow River."

Yun Jingyan frowned and said, "What happened?"

Mo Chou just wept softly and didn't speak, Yun Yan's expression was a little uneasy after being robbed by her, Yun Qian said from the side: "Tomorrow is the eldest sister's big wedding, according to the rules, mother wants to say something to the eldest sister As I have said, because the eldest sister is going to marry the third prince, there must be rules and regulations. Seeing that the mother is not feeling well, she is afraid that she will not be able to speak tactfully, so she invites the doctor over and asks about the mother's condition in detail. The doctor said that if it takes a thousand years Boiled ginseng tea for my mother, maybe she will feel better. In the evening, I may be able to have a few words with my elder sister. Unexpectedly, after sending the doctor away, my aunt and I were about to feed my mother ginseng tea. Zhan knocked over and said that my aunt and I were going to poison my mother."

Her words told the real story of the matter, but Yun Qian would not be so kind in the first place, at this time she wanted to wake up Su Qiaohui to watch tomorrow's big show, but unexpectedly Yun Yan rushed out and said After a stir, she also felt very good.

Yun Jingyan's face was a bit ugly when he heard the words, but Yun Qian said aggrievedly: "Although my mother treated me a little bit in the past, I would not be so mad. Now I am also the eldest son of Princess Chu, how could I do such a thing?" What? What a waste of the thousand-year-old ginseng I asked to bring from the palace."

Chu Yuanzhou said coldly, "Doctor, just go up and see if there is any poison in that bowl of medicine."

As soon as his voice turned cold, Yun Jingyan's face darkened even more.

The doctor had already walked over to check the medicine bowl carefully and said: "Master Xiang, my son, this bowl is indeed ginseng soup, which is not poisonous, and Mrs. Yun is weak, so this kind of ginseng soup is really good for her." It couldn't be more appropriate."

(End of this chapter)

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