Chapter 781: The Beginning of the Marriage
As soon as the doctor finished speaking, Chu Yuanzhou squinted his eyes and said: "Master Yuezhang, as a son-in-law, I didn't say much about Yunfu's family affairs. I didn't say much about how you treated Qianqian before, but today Shouldn't I give Qianqian an explanation?"

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were full of displeasure, he stretched out his hand and lightly grabbed the teacup on the table and squeezed it lightly, the teacup turned into powder and floated down.

Yun Jingyan's face was ashen, he knew that Chu Yuanzhou was angry because of his appearance, and this incident seemed more like a family scandal to him.

He originally thought that what happened to Yunchu this afternoon made Chu Yuanzhou feel happy, but he didn't expect that Yunyan would make such a fuss again. Wasn't this intentional to make trouble for him?
Just as he was about to speak, Chu Yuanzhou said coldly: "Qianqian is now the eldest concubine of my Princess Chu, so to slander Qianqian is to slander the entire Chu Palace! Even if Yunyan is going to marry the third princess tomorrow The prince is a marriage bestowed by the emperor himself, but after all, he has not yet married into the third prince's mansion."

After he finished speaking, he snorted coldly, and the snort seemed to be in Yun Jingyan's heart.

There were many reasons why he pushed Yunyan to marry Chu Mo as soon as possible. On the one hand, he also heard the rumor about Yunyan. As a father, he couldn't ask in detail, and Su Qiaohui had been sick all the time. On the spot, he asked Mo Chou and Liu Ying, and they both gave a general account of what happened that night, and he felt very bad in his heart.

Once such a thing happens, it means that his dream will be shattered. He once thought about finding a replacement, but he only looked at the young ladies in the Yunfu. The foot is restrained, this matter is really big, there have been rumors in Beijing, and some Yunyan's beauty is far inferior to Yunyan, so I can only let it go.

And Yunluo has long been engaged to the Su family, and the other young ladies are still young, and when they grow up, the situation in the court may change, and it may be too late.

In addition, this is the holy obedience of the emperor, how can it be changed?If he took the initiative to mention this marriage in front of the emperor, he would have to bear the crime of bullying, which he felt he could not afford.

He weighed things up and down, and decided to test Chu Mo's tone first. He beat around the bush and asked his protégé Chen Yuze to ask Chu Mo, "I heard that the third prince had proposed to Empress Defei earlier, but he really likes Yunda?" Miss?"

Chen Yuze was a small official in the household department, he was very shrewd, because he was about the same age as Chu Mo, Chu Mo saw his shrewdness, and would call Chen Yuze to drink a few glasses of wine with him when he was bored on weekdays.

When Chen Yuze said this, he had already drank a lot of wine with Chu Mo, and he thought it was the right time, so he asked.

Chu Mo also drank a lot at that time, but he just smiled but did not answer. Chen Yuze said cautiously: "Miss Yun is a well-known beauty in the capital, and she is also a talented woman. She is a good match with the third prince, but recently there are some Rumor..."

"How can you believe the rumors?" Chu Mo said quietly: "I went to my concubine mother to ask for a marriage. What I valued was her noble character, talent and beauty, and I wanted to marry her."

Chen Yuze felt relieved when he heard his words, full of joy, so he didn't look closely at Chu Mo's expression at that time. If he was more careful that day, he would be able to see the gloomy look in the depths of Chu Mo's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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