Chapter 782
After Chen Yuze told Yun Jingyan what Chu Mo said, Yun Jingyan felt relieved and felt that this matter could not be dragged on any longer. Seeing that Su Qiaohui was seriously ill, he always felt that Su Qiaohui would not be able to survive this year. If it was true After dying of illness, Yun Yan might have to stay at home for three years, which is really a matter of long nights and dreams, so he went to Concubine De to propose a marriage date.

Concubine De had also heard what was going on in Yunfu. After hearing Yun Jingyan's words, she remembered the queen's calculations a few days ago. Everything she had painstakingly planned was affected to some extent. The emperor already felt a little bit about Chu Mo. Unhappily, although Yun Jingyan was not very stable at the beginning, he was the prime minister after all. In addition, Yunqian married Chu Yuanzhou, and she also wanted to borrow the power of Yunfu and Chuwangfu.

Because of this series of things, she smiled and agreed to Yun Jingyan's words, and went to ask the emperor that night, so the wedding date was quickly set.

Yun Jingyan didn't expect that Yun Yan would be so stupid to provoke Yun Qian at this juncture. In fact, long before he wanted to invite Yun Qian over to arrange Yun Yan's marriage, he was afraid that Yun Yan would have trouble again, so he had said in detail about Yun Yan's marriage. Yan once.

But precisely because of his words, Yun Yan felt very unhappy, feeling that in Yun Jingyan's heart, Yun Yan was his most favored daughter, and she felt even more unhappy.

This level is something that Yun Jingyan never thought of. In fact, in Yun Jingyan's heart, Yun Yan has always been regarded as the most precious daughter, because Yun Yan was raised by his side since childhood, so the relationship should be deeper .

Although Yun Jingyan had a bit of intention to take advantage of Yun Qian, so he seemed to be nice to Yun Qian recently, but in Yun Jingyan's heart, he was not very close to Yun Qian.There are many reasons why he doesn't like Yunqian, the most important one is that Yunqian doesn't listen to him, which makes him find it difficult to control, and Yunqian is an independent person, he knows her about his arrangements I don't care.

After hearing what Chu Yuanzhou said, Yun Jingyan said angrily, "Yan'er, kneel down!"

Yun Yan glanced at Yun Jingyan and gave a sneer, then cast a glance at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Your Majesty, you don't need to scare me with the matter of marriage. If your Majesty is really capable, you can go and persuade the Third Prince not to marry me at this time, that's fine." To avoid being so humiliated by you!"

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "Miss Yun really spoke with backbone."

Yun Yan glanced at him, but her eyes were full of coldness. Before she recovered, Yun Jingyan slapped her on the face and said: "You are making something out of nothing today. , is there any reason?"

Yun Yan had been beaten by Yun Jingyan earlier, she was a little sad at first, but now she has become chilled, she said to Yun Jing unhurriedly: "I may have wronged Yun Qian today, but in the past But none of the incidents wronged her. Her father was also a ruthless one. He left her in the backyard and ignored her for so many years. When she climbed onto the tall branch of Chu Yuanzhou, he immediately posted it. I'm afraid that in Yunqian's heart, while watching his father's jokes, he is hating him at the same time!"

Yun Jingyan was very angry when he heard Yun Yan's words, and Yun Qian felt that it was interesting when Yun Yan said these words today, so she said unhurriedly: "I'm afraid that the elder sister is using her own thoughts in Guess my mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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