Chapter 789 Mother and Daughter Talking Hearts
Seeing Su Qiaohui's skinny appearance, Yunyan finally felt a little sad, Su Qiaohui said in relief: "People feel refreshed on happy occasions, I feel much refreshed today, I think this is a symptom of recovering from illness, I think it won't be long , my health will be fine, and you don’t have to worry about me. Yun Qian is already married, and I can handle Mo Chou’s abilities on my own. After that, she can't take care of the affairs in Yunfu."

Yun Yan nodded lightly and said, "Mother is right."

Su Qiaohui seemed to be in high spirits today, she chuckled lightly and said, "Fortunately, you married better than Yun Qian, which made me feel relieved. It's just that after you get married, don't openly argue with Yun Qian again." , no matter what, you are also the concubine, and the third prince will still have a lot of use for Chu Palace in the future."

Yun Yan responded softly, but Su Qiaohui narrowed her eyes slightly and said: "You don't like Yun Qian, after the third prince ascends to the extreme position, when you are the mother of a country, you will have a chance to deal with her, no Urgent at this moment. I also heard about what happened last night. You were too anxious at the time. Yunqian is a smart person. She knows the importance of many things and will not do those blatant things. In the future, you will remember this lesson Well, in front of outsiders, you must also have the airs of a daughter of the Yun family."

Yun Yan said in a low voice: "Mother is right, don't worry about it right now, I'll just write down these accounts in my heart, and when I have a chance in the future, I will ask Yun Qian to get it back."

Su Qiaohui nodded in satisfaction, letting Yunqian Mochou sit down was not what she wanted, but she has been ill for a long time recently, and she has seen many things more thoroughly.

So Su Qiaohui said again: "Yan'er, after you marry the third prince, you have to pay more attention to him. Even if he knows some things, he won't do anything. You can see some clues from marrying you this time. You got him After the heart, you also need to cultivate your own influence, employ nepotism, and the first person you want to pull up is your elder brother. Your elder brother has been by the eldest prince's side all these years, but the eldest prince has become more and more unsightly over the years , there should be no chance to aspire to the top position in the future, and the two of you, brother and sister, together helped the third prince get that position, and no one in the court will be able to bully you from now on."

Yun Yan responded lightly: "Mother, don't worry, I also know about these things."

Su Qiaohui said worriedly: "Although your elder brother is smart, he lacks experience and is stubborn. He has been with the eldest prince for many years and he has some feelings. You should persuade him more in the future. If you worry about the matter of the eldest prince again, you should put your heart and soul on the third prince."

Yun Yan said in a low voice: "I don't know much about the affairs of the imperial court, mother should persuade elder brother about these matters!"

While the two were talking, Yun Chu just walked in, Su Qiaohui said roughly what she had just said to Yun Yan, Yun Chu felt a little disapproving, but couldn't bear to disobey Su Qiaohui, so she complied.

Su Qiaohui was tired after talking for a long time, so she asked Ping'er to pour a cup of tea and started to drink it.

At this time, the auspicious time has come, but Chu Mo has not come yet, Yun Chu frowned slightly and said, "Why isn't the third prince here yet?"

He didn't say anything later, but his worry was beyond words.

(End of this chapter)

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