Chapter 790 God's Will Is So
Yun Yan was also a little uneasy, and Su Qiaohui said in relief: "The third prince has a noble status, and he has always been a person who keeps his word. It seems that there are some things that are delayed, so don't worry."

She said this, but she was very anxious in her heart, worried that Chu Mo had heard the rumors and wanted to regret the marriage, so she hadn't arrived for a long time, but she was afraid of saying that Yun Yan was worried, so her face remained calm.

It's just that Yunyan's heart is just like what she thought at this time, and she is also full of worries and apprehensions, but she can't say it clearly.

Yun Qian and Mo Chou knew that Yun Yan's mother and daughter didn't want to see them, so they didn't even bother to enter her room, and drank tea in the flower hall beside them.Chu Yuanzhou got up early in the morning, but at this time he had disappeared.

At the beginning, Yun Qian wanted Shu Yue to look for him, but then she thought that Chu Yuanzhou always did things on his own will, and if he is not here, there must be something, Shu Yue may not find him if he goes looking for it. So he dismissed the idea.

When Yun Qian passed by Liu Ying's yard, she met Liu Ying and Yun Luo at the door. Yun Qian greeted them with a smile, but it was a bit unnatural for them to see her. It left traces in everyone's hearts.

Even though Liu Ying was well versed in the way of house fighting and had a big smile on Yun Qian's face, when she saw Yun Qian's slightly sarcastic eyes, she felt that her face was dull, no matter how thick-skinned she was, she couldn't move forward.

Yun Qian went to greet Mrs. Tai, since the last time she dealt with Yun Yan's matter, Yun Qian has been a bit colder towards Mrs. Tai. When she first came through time travel, she thought about taking advantage of Mrs. Tai's influence in Yunfu Stand firm, now that she is married, she doesn't need Mrs. Tai's care.

It's just that she remembered that when she first transmigrated, if she hadn't been treated fairly by Mrs. Tai, her life would have been even more miserable.

Because of this relationship, when she came to Yunfu, she prepared a lot of gifts for Mrs. Tai, ranging from thousand-year-old ginseng to expensive fabrics. When she saw Mrs. Tai, she made a cup of tea for Mrs. Tai herself.

Mrs. Tai saw that Yun Qian had a certain amount of advances and retreats, was generous and polite, and felt a little guilty in her heart. She pulled Yun Qian and said a lot, mostly to let her live a good life with Chu Yuanzhou.

A lot of relatives from Liyun Mansion came today, and the yard was full of people, and it looked lively.

Yunqian remembered that when she got married that day, although there were many guests in the Yunfu, they were far less crowded than today, but she never cared about these things. Whether those guests came or not would affect her. Not big.

Seeing that nearly half an hour had passed since the auspicious time, and he hadn't seen Chu Mo's shadow yet, Yun Jingyan, who had already put on a new one, couldn't sit still, so he sent the steward to the third prince's Ming Palace to have a look.

The princes will only establish another mansion when they get married. The emperor Chu Mo was the king of Ming the day before yesterday, and he gave him a big mansion in the west of the city. The mansion was newly built a few years ago. He sent someone to clean up the house, and sent a lot of maidservants and servants there.

Chu Mo felt a lot of unhappiness about his marriage with Yun Yan, but he also knew that he could only live with it.

He set off from Prince Ming's mansion on the basis of time, and when he was halfway there, he encountered a strong wind in front of the Baibu Bridge in the capital. The wind made everyone unable to move forward, so they had to rest in front of the bridge.

(End of this chapter)

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