Chapter 793

Seeing this scene, Yun Jingyan felt annoyed again, but said to Yun Chu, "Hurry up and recite Yan'er!"

Yun Chu had no choice but to carry Yun Yan back again, and Yun Jingyan said to the crowd watching the ceremony: "Chu'er liked to joke with Yan'er since childhood, and Yan'er is getting married today, so it will be difficult for siblings to joke around in the future. Chu'er was reluctant to part with Yan'er, so he made a joke with Yan'er."

When he said this, the atmosphere became less tense, and everyone smiled a little, and began to say auspicious words again.

Chu Mo stood outside the door, but his eyes became darker and darker.

Yun Chu's hand was in severe pain, but he could only echo Yun Jingyan's words: "It's just that I made a joke with my sister, and everyone laughed."

Yun Qian also said aside: "During my big wedding last time, my elder brother also made such a joke with me. How about when the other sisters get married in the future, the elder brother will throw all the sisters on the floor when sending off their relatives?" Fall, it will appear more intimate."

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, but anyone with a little sense knew that the way Yun Chu threw them was different from Yun Qian's last wedding and Yun Yan's wedding today.

Yun Jingyan laughed and said, "Qian'er's proposal is very good."

The surrounding atmosphere became much more relaxed, the corners of Yunqian's mouth raised slightly, but Su Qiaohui stared at her, she only responded with a small smile.

Yun Yan's heart was uneasy, but at this time, she was already on the verge of riding a tiger, but she couldn't say anything more.

Chu Yuanzhou whispered in Yunqian's ear, "What they owed you before, I will help you get it back one by one."

As soon as he said these words, Yunqian knew that today's matter was really his handwriting, her heart warmed up, but her eyes were a little puzzled.

Chu Yuanzhou knew that she had doubts in her heart, so he said softly: "When I threw him up yesterday, I used some small tricks. At that time, I didn't feel any pain. When I was carrying a heavy object, it would hurt after a while. It was painful, I calculated the distance, it was just right."

Yun Qian finally understood the whole story, she chuckled and said, "Your method is really good."

"That's natural." Chu Yuanzhou was slightly proud, and he always accepted other people's praise directly.

Seeing his appearance, Yunqian smiled and said, "Yuanzhou is so interested in me, I want to invite Yuanzhou to watch a good show."

Seeing that her eyes were full of inscrutable, Chu Yuanzhou immediately smiled and said: "Qianqian has always been the best to me."

Seeing his appearance, Yunqian raised the corner of her mouth slightly, but didn't say much.

Yun Chu's hand hurt so badly that he couldn't hold Yun Yan anymore, so he could only carry Yun Yan on his back. When he walked to the door with Yun Yan on his back, he heard a person from the crowd say: "Yan'er, You can't marry him!"

As soon as this remark came out, the surroundings were full of surprises again, Chu Yuanzhou turned his head to look at Yun Qian and asked, "Is this a big show?"

Yunqian didn't answer, but said in a low voice: "Yuanzhou just take a look, if there is anything wrong, please feel free to correct me."

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows lightly, and the smile in his eyes grew stronger. He felt that Yunqian was calmer than him. When she said these words at this time, she acted like a normal person and corrected her at any time. It's really thanks to her thinking come out.

While the two were talking, the man had already rushed to Yun Yan's side and said, "I know you and my family background are very different, but I am sincere to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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