Chapter 794
Yun Jingyan had the incident that happened to Yunchu just now, so his reaction was much faster now. He winked at the people around him, and immediately a guard pulled the man away.

Yun Jingyan said angrily: "Where did you come from, how dare you come here to make trouble!"

The man said loudly again: "I didn't cause trouble, I really like Yan'er, Yunxiang, please help me!"

Yun Yan frowned when she heard those words, her eyes were full of displeasure, but she pursed her lips and said nothing, she knew that the more she explained at this time, the less she would be able to explain clearly.

Yun Jingyan saw that everything was not going well today, and saw Chu Mo standing at the door, and hurriedly said to Chu Mo: "It must be to make trouble, the third prince does not need to take what he said to heart, Yan'er has a good reputation, There are many people who admire her, and when she gets married today, those wishful thinking and ignorant people come to make trouble. Yan'er has always been well-behaved and rarely goes out, so it is absolutely impossible to know such a prodigal."

He is usually very eloquent, but today he felt anxious. Although his words were clear, they were a bit messy after all.

Chu Mo was still silent, but suddenly remembered the strong wind that he encountered when crossing the bridge just now. He didn’t fully believe what the warlock said before, but now he believed it a little bit. Sure enough, the wind was very evil, and he married Yun Yan. Things are not going well.

He said indifferently: "Yun Xiang said so."

After he finished speaking, he wanted to go to Yun Chu's back to hug Yun Yan, but he heard the man shouting: "Yan'er, have you forgotten the night when we were in the spring breeze in Mingzhuang?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding area was silent again. Although the matter of Yun Yan's loss of virginity has been rumored in the capital these days, it is only a rumor, and most of the people are just listening to it as a joke. , the heart of gossip rose, and everyone listened with ears pricked up.

When Yun Jingyan heard that the man mentioned Guan Jian, he felt terrified, but he knew that if he blocked the man's mouth at this time, he might attract more speculations from Chu Mo, but if he didn't block the man's Mouth, maybe something will happen.

He was anxious, and immediately said sharply: "Yan'er is a marriage bestowed by the emperor, she is dignified and elegant, how can she have selfishness with you, you are making something out of nothing, you are really corrupt, someone is coming, drag him down and send him to the yamen !"

But the man ignored him, and said loudly: "Yan'er, I know that you married the third prince because of power, and the person you love in your heart is me! I shouldn't have been angry with you at the beginning, you aborted the child , I feel very sad, I really shouldn't have said harsh words and made you feel angry to marry the Third Prince!"

If the words just now silenced everyone there, then the words at this time are like thunder from the nine heavens, and the people who watched the excitement around them were all scorched and tender.

Someone couldn't help saying: "Tsk tsk, they are all pregnant with someone!"

"Earlier, when I saw doctors coming in and out of Yun's mansion, I thought they were seeing Mrs. Yun, but I didn't expect that they were seeing the eldest lady!"

"I really didn't expect Miss Yun to be so shameless!"


Yun Yan was already trembling with anger, the thing she was most afraid of was finally revealed, she said sharply: "Yun Qian, did you do it!"

Yun Qian was under the lintel of the Yun Mansion at this time, her eyes were full of shock, she didn't seem to have recovered, she was slightly stunned and said: "Sister, what have I done?"

(End of this chapter)

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