Chapter 795 Oolong Wedding
When Yun Qian asked such a question, Yun Yan couldn't answer immediately, she couldn't tell the scandals of her past!Not to mention her loss of virginity and abortion, but she felt very strange. Yunqian was married to Chu Yuanzhou, so it was impossible to know about her abortion. Could it be that the truth that hurt her so much today? Someone else?

Yun Yan felt a little uncertain about these things, and felt a little sad and helpless.

She turned her head and glanced at Chu Mo, who was close at hand, and bit her lip lightly.But she also knew that her marriage with Chu Mo might fall through today. She sniffed lightly, and knew that if this marriage fell through, she would be ruined, but she didn't have a better way to solve this problem. This matter, Yun Chu said that he would help her, but after Yun Chu just threw her down, he felt a little dazed, and wanted to help her, but he had no energy left. down.

Chu Mo grabbed her hand, and she turned her head to look at Chu Mo in a little surprise. Through the red hijab, she could only see Chu Mo's shadow, but couldn't see the expression on his face clearly.

But I heard Chu Mo say unhurriedly: "It's just people with ulterior motives making trouble, don't take it to heart, let those people chew their tongues, I just trust you."

Yun Yan originally wanted to fight Yun Qian to the death, but when she heard Chu Mo's words, she was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that she had been played by Yun Qian. If Chu Mo really knew about her loss of virginity, how could she be so calm .

After the fire of anger burned, her heart was soon full of emotion, and her uneasy feelings disappeared completely at this moment, and she felt that Chu Mo really had a deep love for her.

She said softly: "If I don't have the trust of the third prince, I can only die today!"

Chu Mo said softly: "Little fool! You will be my wife from now on, how can you allow anyone to humiliate you."

There was a bit of tenderness in his words, but those eyes had already looked at Yun Qian through Yun Yan. Seeing Yun Qian's face was slightly astonished, those eyes seemed to be full of surprise, but they did not look at Yun Qian in Mingzhuang. The shock when he saw him, in her eyes, he could faintly see a bit of sympathy.

Others may not be clear about what happened that night, but Chu Mo knows that Yun Qian is very clear, but he just didn't say anything about it today.

A little bit of inexplicable emotion suddenly rose in his heart. Yunqian saw his eyes startled slightly, but just nodded slightly, which was regarded as a greeting.

Chu Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, he turned his eyes away, picked up Yun Yan, turned around and put her into the sedan chair.

The man who came to make trouble has already been dragged away, Chu Mo said unhurriedly: "Today I am married to Yan'er, I don't want to have a bloody disaster, just now that person who slandered Yan'er with ulterior motives cannot be forgiven lightly , after Yan'er returns to the door, cut it off!"

As soon as these words came out, he fell silent again, and Yun Jingyan's eyes were also full of joy. He looked at Chu Mo and said, "The third prince does not believe in rumors, and has a deep love for Yan'er. I will hand Yan'er to the third prince and rest assured." but!"

Chu Mo arched his hands slightly and said: "Master Yuezhang, you are welcome, this is what I should do. Although Yan'er has not officially married me at this time, she is also my fiancée, her character, and Yunxiang's tutor , I can trust it."

(End of this chapter)

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