Chapter 827 A Big Misunderstanding
When Yunqian heard his words, she wanted to slap herself again, so she calmed down and said, "Yes."

She answered simply and calmly, Chu Yi turned his head and was about to leave, but he stopped after taking three steps, he turned his head and looked at her and said, "Yuan Zhou treats you so affectionately, I have never seen Which woman has he cared so much about? Ye Wuchen is good, but his scheming is too deep. He is afraid that he loves his face more than he loves you. You and Yuan Zhou are married again, and you should stay away from him in the future Some."

Yunqian didn't come to her senses when she heard his words for a long time, and didn't understand how he said these words. After thinking about it again, she knew that it was probably a misunderstanding, and the root of the misunderstanding was that little note. I was afraid that Chu Yi would think that the note was given to Ye Wuchen by her.

She just felt a little overwhelmed, but she couldn't explain this matter clearly for a while, so she could only say: "This matter is not what you think."

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Don't worry, I will keep this matter a secret for you, and I won't tell Yuan Zhou, but in the future, you can't have any contact with Ye Wuchen, otherwise you will be too sorry for Yuan Zhou boat."

When Yunqian heard his words, she felt that he seemed to have misunderstood a little bit, and this misunderstanding was too oolong, what happened to her and Ye Wuchen?Her eyes are not blind again!It's just that there is no need to explain to Chu Yi about her and Ye Wuchen.

She felt that tonight's oolongs came out one after another. Chu Yi saw her Chu Han's affairs tonight, and then guessed about her and Ye Wuchen's affairs like this. She thought it was embarrassing to add all these things together, but at this time But I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing.

Now that she thinks about it, in Chu Yi's eyes, she gets a little confused with those men, and if she thinks about it, her impression will be extremely bad. She knows that there has always been a layer of paper between the two of them that has not been pierced. Now that She doesn't want to pierce the paper with him, and she hopes that he will think of her as the kind of bad woman who is flamboyant, and then slap her every time she sees her in the future, completely destroying her good impression of him in her heart, and making her also Completely give up on him.

She coughed lightly and said, "No one has a bigger place in my heart than Yuan Zhou."

When Chu Yi heard her words, his heart trembled slightly, but he felt a little uncomfortable. In fact, what she said was what he wanted to hear, but he didn't want to hear it in his heart.

He said lightly: "It's good that you have a sense of proportion."

His tone was indifferent and cold, without a trace of emotion.

Yunqian felt that there was some trouble between her and him, but she knew that most of the things between men and women were unclear, and it was the kind that became darker and darker.

Seeing him turning his head, she was about to leave again, her eyes dimmed slightly, and she always felt that the matter between her and him had to be settled, but on second thought, it seemed that it had already been settled when she was in Ningde last time Now, if I say anything more at this time, I'm afraid things will become more and more difficult to deal with.

She bit her lip lightly, and then covered her heart. She always felt that the thoughts and throbbing in her heart were out of her control. She couldn't help but greet the Snow Mountain Saintess again in her heart. Nima wouldn't There is no more deceitful and vicious woman than the Snow Mountain Saintess.

She also scolded the deity of her body in her heart, Nima is really a bastard, no matter how good Chu Yi is, it is not what she could imagine before, but she has such deep affection.

(End of this chapter)

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