Chapter 828
Yun Qian felt that it was nothing more than that bastard's deep affection, but he carved the memory so thick and sad, and she had to bear these messy things. There would never be anyone more unlucky than her in this world.

She stroked her forehead lightly, and saw that Chu Yi had already walked to the corridor, but stood there motionless, and then she heard his voice: "Yuan Zhou."

Yunqian froze for a moment when he heard his voice, and then heard Chu Yuanzhou's voice: "Why did Ah Yi come here?"

Chu Yi didn't know how to explain it for a while, he couldn't say that he brought Yun Qian here, but his heart was open, so he said: "Xiao Qi..."

He just said two words, Chu Yuanzhou had already passed him, and saw Yun Qian not far behind him.

Chu Yuanzhou's originally bright eyes dimmed in an instant, and he said indifferently: "I didn't bother you!"

He had been drinking in the lobby, but after drinking for a round, he didn't see Chu Yi. He knew that Chu Yi might not be able to adapt to the life in the capital when he first returned to the capital. He was afraid that he was going out to relieve boredom at this time, so he put down the wine in his hand, and then After a few more conversations with those drinking buddies, he came out to find Chu Yi.

When he came out, he realized that it was a bit late, and the ministers who came to watch the ceremony today had all dispersed. He felt that it was time to take Yun Qian back, so he walked to the door of the women's hall and asked the maid to call Yun Qian out. Unexpectedly, the maid said that Yunqian had just gone out and hadn't come back. Chu Yuanzhou felt that something was wrong, so he came to look for Yunqian again.

As a result, Yunqian and Chu Yi were not found, but he saw someone carrying Chu Han back, saying that Chu Han fainted under the tree behind the hut for some reason.

Chu Yuanzhou felt that this matter was really strange, and seeing that Yun Qian and Chu Yi had disappeared, he already had some guesses in his heart, but he secretly told himself that Yun Qian and Chu Yi were the kind of extremely A person with self-control will definitely not do those shameful things, he must be thinking too much.

It's just that even though he was persuading himself so much in his heart, he couldn't calm himself down, so he searched for Yunqian and Chu Yi along the Ming Palace, and unexpectedly met them by the side room in the backyard.

He originally hoped that the two of them would not be together, but at this time they were together again, and he suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart. That feeling made him want to go crazy, but he told himself that the more he , the more he should be calm.

Hearing this, Chu Yi knew that he had misunderstood, and the admiral turned his body slightly and said, "Yuanzhou, you misunderstood."

Chu Yuanzhou glanced at Yun Qian who was standing in the dark, and then said with a smile: "There is no misunderstanding, I know what you think about Qian Qian, we had an agreement earlier, it's okay."

What he said was very generous, but he didn't feel well at all in his heart. Even though he was smiling, his eyes were filled with gloom.

The moonlight half shone on his face, making his facial features look a little gloomy, and he unconsciously grasped the hand under the sleeve robe a little tighter.

Yun Qian called softly: "Yuan Zhou!"

Chu Yuanzhou responded lightly, but did not speak.

Yunqian felt that the oolong tonight was too big. Chu Yi misunderstood that she had something to do with Ye Wuchen, and Chu Yuanzhou misunderstood that she had something to do with Chu Yi. I am afraid that Ye Wuchen still wondered if she and Chu Han were wrong. something.

(End of this chapter)

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