Chapter 836
Princess Qionghua blinked and said, "Why can't it be me?"

Chu Yuanzhou didn't know how to answer for a while, so he could only cough lightly again, and Princess Qionghua put one hand on her hip and said, "Why, are you not happy to see me?"

"I'm happy, seeing my aunt here makes me so happy that I even forget who I am." Chu Yuanzhou said insincerely, "It's just that my aunt gave me such a surprise. I will always have to thank my aunt in the future. By the way, When did aunt leave the palace? Why didn't you inform me, if I found out, I would definitely send eight sedan chairs to pick up aunt, and greet her with flowers."

Princess Qionghua rolled his eyes at him and said: "Your words are very nice, but your aunt doesn't have such a big air, so it's good to be casual. But now that you have a daughter-in-law, you forget about your aunt. I left the palace yesterday, and you didn't know it at all, Xiao Chuaner, you should really review yourself."

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where's Qianqian?"

"Your daughter-in-law, you take good care of yourself. You ask me how I know." Princess Qionghua put her arms around her chest and said, "Come on, give me the flowers first, and play the piano all morning before I receive such a gift." A bouquet of flowers is really a bit of a loss."

Chu Yuanzhou curled his lips, and threw the flowers into the air, and the flowers scattered all at once.

Princess Qionghua clicked her tongue and said: "I haven't enjoyed the flower rain for many years, I didn't expect to let me enjoy your blessing today, look at your little face, it's really not ordinary handsome, it's a pity It’s my nephew, or else I’ll take you in too.”

Chu Yuanzhou disdainfully said: "Get lost!"

Princess Qionghua snorted softly and said, "If you tell me to get out, I'll get out, but I won't come back if I get out, so I'll get Qian Qian away too."

Chu Yuanzhou was convinced when he heard this: "Auntie, you are the best. Don't worry about me as a junior if you have a lot of adults. If you want flowers, I will send someone to pick them for aunt every day in the future. Auntie Feel free to be as romantic as you want, if this still doesn't satisfy aunt, I'll give aunt another ten tough men to enjoy."

"What do you mean my old man has a lot of adults?" Duke Qionghua pouted three times: "Your aunt and I are the elders of you little bastard, but I am not old. I seem to be only six years older than you!"

Chu Yuanzhou was a little speechless listening to her nonsense, but he also knew that the last person he could offend right now was his incomprehensible aunt, so he folded his arms around his chest and refused to speak at all. Princess Qionghua tilted her head slightly and asked, "How about this?" What are you doing looking at me? Are you also fascinated by your aunt's beauty and want to bow down under your aunt's pomegranate skirt?"

Chu Yuanzhou rolled her eyes and continued to look at her with wide eyes.

Falling under her Guliu skirt, does she think he is blind?

Princess Qionghua's eyes were a bit unhappy for a moment, and she said slightly sullenly: "It's been eight lifetimes of bad luck for my old lady to have a nephew like you. She can't keep her daughter-in-law by herself, and she can't see her, so she still comes to me People, is there still justice in this world?"

Chu Yuanzhou snorted softly, still ignored her, just looked at her with wide eyes.

God?In Princess Qionghua's body, the word "Tianli" never existed. Before he could speak, she started talking to him about "Tianli".

(End of this chapter)

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