Chapter 837
Princess Qionghua felt a little uncomfortable being watched by Chu Yuanzhou, she gritted her teeth, walked to his side, stretched out her hand and slapped him violently, and said, "This time I will make you remember better, but next time it will not be so Good luck, I will help you look after your wife this time, and you will have to thank me later."

Chu Yuanzhou touched his head with his hand, and then heaved a long sigh, but Princess Qionghua said again: "For the sake of you, a bastard, who came here earlier than I expected, I will not let you down in this level." It's over, you can coax Qianqian by yourself later!"

"Auntie is wise." Chu Yuanzhou said flatteringly, but in his heart he wanted to slap Princess Qionghua to death. Yunqian didn't return all night, and it's probably because of his precious aunt. If he has the opportunity in the future, he will really thank you his aunt.

He comforted himself in his heart again, good men don't fight with women, let her go first, and then slowly settle the score later.

Princess Qionghua said again: "Xiao Chuan'er, I'm not talking about you, this time you've overdone it. During the three-month period, there must be something wrong with your head! Although I like Ayi a little more than I like you, but Emotional matters are not for letting, nor for you to test. Fortunately, this time there is nothing wrong, if something happens next time, you will not have time to cry. "

Chu Yuanzhou was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, but Princess Qionghua was already striding forward. He hurriedly followed, and there was a thatched cottage not far away. Princess Qionghua opened the door and said: "Talk slowly, last night I went to mess with your affairs, and I stayed up all night with me, my old bones can't stand your troubles like this."

She yawned as she spoke, then strode away.

This hut was built by Chu Yuanzhou before. When he is free, he will live in this small hut and listen to the sound of the wind blowing in the bamboo forest.Last time he ordered someone to cut down the entire purple bamboo forest, but he didn't ask someone to tear down the house, so the hut is still there.

When Chu Yuanzhou walked to the door of the room, he saw Yunqian sitting there dressing up. He walked to her side and gently picked up the comb to comb her hair.

Yunqian was wearing a complicated and colorful dress today, which Chu Yuanzhou thought looked like Princess Qionghua's at first glance, and he immediately understood that the two had exchanged clothes.

It turned out that Princess Qionghua sneaked out of the palace last night when the guards in Chu Mo's wedding palace were lax. She was afraid that the emperor would trouble her, so she didn't go back to her residence first. In Mo's Ming Palace, although she doesn't like Chu Mo, she still thinks it's okay to have a cup of wedding wine.

Before she went in, she saw Yunqian coming out alone. Seeing that Chu Yuanzhou was not with Yunqian, she asked Yunqian where Chu Yuanzhou had gone. Princess Hua has been staying in the palace for a long time, and she has been very bored for a long time. Now that she has such an opportunity, how can she let it go.

So Yunqian encouraged Yunqian to run away from home. Yunqian felt that such a thing as running away from home was too immodest, and she disdained it. Princess Qionghua pulled her and said a lot, saying Chu Yuanzhou's mistakes, and even more because of the past. Experience tells Yunqian that Chu Yuanzhou did too much wrong this time, and this storm must not last long. He should really deal with him and give her a bunch of ideas.

Yun Qian has always been an assertive person. After hearing Princess Qionghua's words, she felt a little funny, thinking that she was really making a big fuss.

(End of this chapter)

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