Chapter 850
Lu Zhu's face was full of gentle smiles, but the king of Chu ignored her and strode into the room. She hurriedly asked, "What would the lord want to eat tonight? I'll let the cook do it."

The King of Chu sneered, glanced sideways at her and said, "Thanks to you, I don't have any appetite today."

Thinking of what happened in the courtroom today, he was full of anger.

Lu Zhu was stunned for a moment, but the King of Chu glanced at her again and said, "This king was thinking before that although you have some property outside these years, those properties are not enough to allow you to have so much money on hand. I expected you to start a business of flesh and blood. Lu Zhu, this lord really underestimated you before, so you should make good use of your abilities."

The King of Chu was not angry but mighty, the majesty in those eyes made Lu Zhu feel a little fearful in his heart, she knew that the matter of Yiqinglou would eventually go to the King of Chu, so it was fine now, and it would save her from beating around the bush Go talk.

Lu Zhu said softly: "The prince doesn't know something. When the prince is not in the capital, although the salary is sent to the palace every month, there is no way to spend the salary. It happens..."

"Shut up!" The King of Chu said coldly: "Do you want to tell this king how much you have worked hard for the palace over the years and how many amazing things you have done? The Chu Palace has long been unable to survive?"

Lu Zhu knelt on the ground and said: "My lord is an upright person, on weekdays..."

"Stop talking to me about this." The King of Chu interrupted her directly and said, "I know all about what you have done under my nose these years, but I just didn't mention you. The matter, that day in front of the younger generation, this king saved your face. I took you into the palace to see that you are docile and well-behaved. I didn't expect your thoughts to be so vicious. You can do such things. Even this king has followed your way, now how can you let this king believe your rhetoric?"

When he entered the palace today, the emperor gave him a booklet. There was no writing on the booklet, but there was a confession inside.

The gist of the confession is that the Yiqing Building is the property of the Chu Palace, and the women in the Yiqing Building are carefully selected by the Chu Palace.

The King of Chu knew a thing or two about the seizure of Yiqinglou, but he did not expect that Yiqinglou would have anything to do with him, and the confession was written in an extremely ambiguous manner. All the women are selected by the Chu Palace, which means that the Chu King often goes to Yiqinglou.

When the King of Chu was young, he was romantic, but now at this age, he has already disregarded sex. Over the years, he basically has what kind of woman he wants, so why would he go to that kind of fireworks place again?
When the king of Chu read the confession, he felt that there was no place to put his old face, but the emperor comforted him: "This matter is just a misunderstanding. I believe that brother Wang is a man, and he would not do such a thing in the future. Daughter Although the color is good, it is poisonous in the end, Brother Wang should be a little more careful about this matter in the future, so as not to be laughed at by those juniors."

Although the emperor's words were not very clear, but the meaning is very clear, that is, although a place like Yiqinglou makes men very ecstasy, but the king of Chu is a prince, it is really inappropriate to go to that kind of place, let alone The Yiqing Building is open.

(End of this chapter)

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