Chapter 851
Even though the emperor didn't say anything and didn't punish him, it made the king of Chu even more uneasy. When he left, the emperor said: "The Yiqing Building must be closed. Brother Wang, you should be more careful in the future. I will take care of this matter for you." Squeeze it like nothing happened."

After the emperor finished speaking, he also gave the confession to the King of Chu, but the King of Chu knew that there was a lot of meaning in the emperor's actions.

He only needs to think about it carefully to know who opened the Yiqing Building. Originally, according to Chu Yuanzhou's temperament, he would open it, but it is impossible for Chu Yuanzhou and him to go to the border all these years. If something like this happens, then only Lu Zhu will be left.

When Lu Zhu heard King Chu talk about Princess Chu, he wept softly and said: "That matter really has nothing to do with me, that doctor and prince from Southern Xinjiang was invited from the palace..."

"Shut up!" The King of Chu said coldly: "The doctor in Southern Border is the king who invites you into the palace, but do you dare to say that it has nothing to do with you?"

Lu Zhu wanted to argue, but the King of Chu said coldly: "The Lu family is in charge of the weaving in the palace. It was sold to the Tian family on the banks of the Huai River. This king has always been very surprised why the Lu family began to abandon the mulberry silk from Jiangnan and use the mulberry silk from southern Xinjiang five years ago. Lu Zhu, your thoughts are really delicate and good. , this trick is really beautiful, and it has deceived the king for so many years!"

The king of Chu hated others to lie to him the most. He had always had some doubts about the matter of Princess Chu earlier, but he told himself that Lu Zhu would never do such a thing. The result surprised the king of Chu.

The King of Chu reached out and pinched Lu Zhu's chin. He exerted a little force, and Lu Zhu said in pain, "I didn't lie to the lord. The matter of my sister really has nothing to do with me. Perhaps my brother thinks that I am There is only a side concubine in the palace, and the prince has no feelings for his sister, so he will attack."

The King of Chu sneered and said, "Are you blaming me for not giving you the position of concubine?"

"Don't dare." Lu Zhu sniffed his nose lightly and said: "I have known the prince since childhood, does the prince not know what kind of person I am?"

Tears overflowed from her eyes. Hearing her words, the king of Chu remembered his childhood friendship again. His eyes grew darker, and finally he let go of his hands. How can it be done!"

The King of Chu said coldly, "What about the Yiqing Building?"

"I really did this thing. My original intention was to help the prince. Does the prince really think that the military pay for fighting at the border in the past few years was drawn out by the court? That's because I gave the money to my natal family. Then my natal family will donate the money to the court." Lu Zhu bit his lip and said: "When I contributed the funds, I told Mei Niang repeatedly, don't do things that force women into prostitutes, don't do things that hurt nature, who knows that? Mei Niang is actually ruthless, she can do anything, that's why she caused such a disaster."

King Chu's eyes became dark after hearing Lu Zhu's words. Since what happened to Princess Chu last time, he has lost a little trust in Lu Zhu. Even though Lu Zhu's words are reasonable at this time, he still feels a little bit uncomfortable. taste.

He glanced at Lu Zhu, turned his head and walked out without another word.

(End of this chapter)

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