Chapter 855 The Witch Arrives
Yun Qian smiled lightly, Princess Chu interjected and said: "In the future, Luoer will often come to the palace when he is free. Zhou'er has always acted a little casually. You should pay attention to his things outside. If you find that Zhou'er has something wrong You have to tell me and Qian'er about your crooked thoughts."

Yun Qian laughed when she heard the words, Princess Chu was funny, she actually asked Bai Luo to look at Chu Yuanzhou, this might not be feasible, but Princess Chu's desire to protect her made her feel warm.

Bai Luo also said with a smile: "Although Shizi's temperament is flamboyant, he always knows how to do things properly, and he has a sincere affection for Shizi Concubine, how can he develop crooked thoughts in the future?"

When he said this, several people in the room laughed, and the atmosphere was very good.

Yunqian knew that Princess Chu was a lady from an official family. She had a relationship with the King of Chu when she followed her father to Beijing. After that, the White House fell, and all her brothers and sisters-in-law died. Her mother's family didn't have any foundation.

Therefore, Yunqian always thought that Princess Chu's natal family had no one left, so Princess Chu had been bullied by King Chu and Lu Zhu all these years, and no one in the family stood up for her.

But she didn't expect Princess Chu to have such an awesome nephew.

What she didn't know was that Bai Luo often came to see Princess Chu, but he was busy and couldn't stay by this aunt's side all the time.

Yunqian recalled what Chu Yuanzhou had said to her before, saying that there were some reasons why Bai Luo became the richest man in Dazhou all these years. Thinking about it now, besides Bai Luo's own ability, Chu Yuanzhou must have helped a lot.
She also remembered that day when Chu Yuanzhou went to Bai Luo to ask for silver flowers, he asked for it so naturally, presumably there was this kind of relationship in it.

The three of them were gossiping, when a crisp voice came from outside the door: "Sister-in-law, I heard that you are in good health, so I came to see you!"

As soon as the words fell, Princess Qionghua ran in like a gust of wind. She usually put on the airs of a princess in front of people, but she showed her true colors behind her. Princess grooming.

After she escaped from the palace that day, she was invited back to the palace by the emperor the next day. Only then did she know that the emperor deliberately let her go to Chu Mo's wedding that day, but because of the holy It's already out, and I can't go back on my word, so what happened that day happened.

And after she attended the wedding and Chu Yi had breakfast, she was naturally invited back to the palace by the emperor.

After she went back, the emperor locked her up for another half a month. During this time, she heard the Taifu preaching the scriptures in front of her every day, and she was about to vomit blood. The Taifu bought it, and then asked the Taifu to go to the emperor and say a lot of good things, saying that she was sincerely repentant, and then directed a big show in front of the emperor, so the emperor let her go.

After she came out, she heard that Princess Chu had woken up, so she hurriedly searched for some supplements from Jinghong Villa and rushed over.

When Bai Luo heard her voice in the room, he shivered first. If there was anyone in Beijing that he didn't want to see, then that person must be Princess Qionghua, even though Princess Qionghua's voice sounded very nice. , but to Bai Luo's ears, it really sounded like the most terrifying magic sound in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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