Chapter 856 Little White Fatty
Princess Qionghua rushed to Princess Chu's side as soon as she came in. She looked at Princess Chu carefully and said, "Sister-in-law, I heard that you woke up before, but I still didn't believe it. When I woke up, I was really happy!"

Princess Chu reached out and gently touched her head. For this little princess of the royal family, Princess Chu liked her from the bottom of her heart even though she had a bad relationship with King Chu. After Princess Chu woke up, she also heard something about Qiong Regarding the matter of Princess Hua, knowing that Princess Qionghua has not had an easy life these years, her eyes are full of gentleness.

But Princess Qionghua cried again: "Sister-in-law Wang, I thought you would never wake up again, but now it's really good!"

Princess Chu felt a little sad when she thought of the time she was unconscious, but comforted her softly: "Silly girl, am I awake now? There's nothing to cry about."

Princess Qionghua wiped away the tears with her hand and said: "Yes, it is a great thing for Mrs. Wang to wake up, why should I cry!"

After she finished speaking, she actually grinned at Princess Chu again, but although she was smiling this time, her eyes were still a little red, and there were still some tears on her face.

Seeing Princess Qionghua's appearance, Bai Luo couldn't help being stunned. Even though he knew that this female devil was beautiful, he also knew that she was poisonous, but seeing her sobbing and laughing at this moment Seeing that, his heart couldn't help but twitch again.

Princess Chu smiled, and Princess Qionghua turned to Yun Qian and said, "Sister, you are really capable."

When Princess Chu heard her call Yun Qian like this, she felt that her seniority was going to be messed up, but she also knew that Princess Qionghua had always been like this, so she let her go and didn't say much.

It was only when Princess Qionghua looked at Yunqian that she realized that Bai Luo was still standing in the room. She couldn't help raising her eyebrows and said, "Fatty Bai, why are you here?"

The corners of Yun Qian's mouth twitched when she heard the word "Little White Fatty". She secretly praised Princess Qionghua as a master at picking aliases. She named Chu Yuanzhou "Xiao Chuan'er" earlier, and she sounded a bit moody At this time, Princess Qionghua named Bai Luo "Little White Fatty" although it fits the reality, but it sounds a little weird.

Yun Qian saw that Bai Luo was slightly fat, her eyes were not big, and her surname happened to be Bai. When she thought about it carefully, it fit the name, but the words "Little Bai Fatty" sounded like a pig raised in a pigsty. , or a name like a fat white cat or dog.

She turned her head to look at Bai Luo, and saw that his expression was normal, without any trace of displeasure.

Bai Luo didn't answer, coughed lightly and said, "I've seen the princess."

Princess Qionghua's eyes blinked slightly. If Princess Chu wasn't here, she might have flirted with Bai Luo again, but she said with a smile, "You're welcome, you and Xiao Chuan'er have a good relationship. Let's see how Mrs. Wang is. It should be, it's just that this is the backyard of the women's relatives, and it seems that you have lost some rules by breaking in like this."

Yunqian felt that the fact that the people in the capital who knew nothing about rules was a bit funny, so she kindly explained: "Sister, it's not because Mr. Bai came to see the concubine mother today because of the son."

"Oh?" Princess Qionghua smiled and said: "Little Bai Fatty, you probably have too much money and nowhere to spend it? I remember that you seem to be an iron cock.

(End of this chapter)

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