Chapter 857 Call Me Aunt
Princess Qionghua's preemption made Bai Luo blush a little, and then coughed lightly and said, "Princess Wang is my aunt, and it's only natural for me to come to see her."

Princess Qionghua was stunned for a moment, she frowned and said, "What? You are Mrs. Wang's nephew?"

Seeing Princess Qionghua's appearance, Yun Qian wanted to laugh. She didn't know that there was Princess Qionghua on this floor.

After Princess Chu and King Chu got married, although she often met with Princess Qionghua, Bai Luo had grown up at that time and had already started her own business, so she seldom visited the palace, so Princess Qionghua had never seen her before. Bai Luo didn't know about the relationship at this level.

Princess Qionghua knew that Princess Chu's surname was Bai, but she didn't expect to be related to Bai Luo.

And after Bai Luo expanded his family business, he rarely mentioned his relationship with Princess Chu to others. Then Princess Qionghua got married again, and a lot of things happened to her after she got married. When walking around the palace every year, Princess Qionghua hid in Jinghong Villa every day.

Bai Luo said extremely calmly: "Yes."

Princess Qionghua turned her head and glanced at Princess Chu. Although Princess Chu didn't know the grievances between the two, she nodded with a smile. Her eyebrows moved again, but she looked at Bai Luo happily and said, "No I expected that you, a little white fat man, are cousins ​​with Xiao Chuan'er, but you don't look alike Xiao Chuan'er at all."

"Aunt said I look like my mother." Bai Luo pursed her lips slightly and said.

Princess Qionghua also had a smile on the corner of her mouth: "Your mother is not as good-looking as Mrs. Wang."

Bai Luo couldn't help frowning when she heard her comparison. Princess Qionghua put her arms around her chest and said, "Since you and Xiao Chuan'er are cousins, you don't need to call me princess anymore when you see me in the future, just call me." Auntie can."

Bai Luo felt her heart beating when she heard her call aunt. She seemed to be about the same age as him, and she really could bear to let him call her aunt!If it was her status, it would be fine to respect her as a princess and salute her or something, but it made him feel very weird that she changed from a princess to an aunt.

He said softly: "The princess has a noble status, and the grassroots dare not surpass her."

Princess Qionghua said a little unhappy: "But you think I can't be your aunt?"

Ever since the disaster relief incident last time, Princess Qionghua and Bai Luo have been on the shoulders, embarrassing him everywhere.

Bai Luo lowered his head slightly, his eyes were filled with helplessness, and when he raised his head, he hid the emotion in his eyes and said: "The princess is the aunt of the eldest son, and I am not a member of the royal family, so I really dare not call the princess that way. I’m afraid it’s not good for people to listen to it.”

Princess Qionghua knew that he didn't want to be inferior in status, and she was always willing to do things that were difficult for others, so she pretended not to know what he was thinking: "It doesn't matter, the princess never cares what others say, If someone bullies you in the future, you can directly report my name as Auntie, and I will settle it for you."

Bai Luo heard that she wanted to die, but she didn't treat herself as an outsider at all, and he would hide from her as far as he could in the future, but he didn't dare to offend this female devil publicly.

He put on a smile and said: "After careful calculation, I am about the same age as the princess. If you call the princess an aunt, I am afraid that you will call the princess old."

(End of this chapter)

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